Chapter 38

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5 months has past since i came here in England,this place is great,beautiful,i also start my studies weeks after i arrived here,i meet a friend but we're not that close,i don't know but i prepare to be alone when i arrived here.

There's no day or night that i couldn't think of Gene and Kei,sometimes they would slip out of my mind for a minute and then comeback,i even cried thinking about them,i know it's a bit girly but we,boy or man needs to cry too.And Dad already went back to Korea after 1 week of staying here,mom did visit me,but that was 2 months ago but it's fine i don't mind her not visiting me,i understand.

I've been feeling lonely here,i miss my little family so much,i always dream about them,most of my dreams are about us bonding together,sometimes it's just me and Gene in my dreams,sometimes me and Kei and sometimes it's just me in a dark room crying because i miss them,it's the most terrible dream i had though.

I called the guys and the girls too,i don't know but they seems mad at me when i told them i went overseas,they rudely hangup to me and it made me upset but i thought maybe because i left without a word,that's why they're angry about me,i heard them mentioning Gene but i couldn't understand what they're saying because they're talking fast.When i call Hanbin hyung,he seems upset by me,he asked me how am i doing here,something about my life here then he hangup,saying he's busy,i just let it slide not wanting a drama.

"Heeseung?"A voice called out cutting my thoughts off.

"What do you need Sean?"I asked my roommate Sean,he's the friend i'm talking about,i'm staying in the schools dorm by the way.

"can i come in?"He asked,a little information about him is that he is korean,pure korean he came here to study like me.

"yeah sure"i tell him,he opened the door and close it after he stepped in my room.

"Do you need something Sean? you wanna borrow  a book?"i asked again wondering why he's here.

"no"he simply replied.

"then what are you doing here?"i asked looking at him.

"i just wanted to ask if you wanna hangout"He nervously said,i just look at him thinking if i should consider his offer.

"it's ok if you don't want to,i just thought that you need to go out more and not stack your self in this room,make friends...i can introduce you to some of my friends...they're korean too don't worry"He stated trying to convince me to go with him,he's not bad actually he's very friendly,he's good at english too sometimes he's helping me to learn the language,i guess it wouldn't hurt to make friends while i'm here.

"sure i'll go"i finally replied smiling,he then look at me shooked.

"really?"He exclaimed excitedly.

"yes really"i said chuckling when he did his victory dance.

"be sure to be ready at 10 a.m...i'll just inform my friends that you're coming with us"he said smiling brightly as he stepped out of my room.

I chuckled one more time and turn my attention to our family photo,Gene was smiling brightly with Kei in her arms looking over the camera in her big doe eyes and a small pout on her lips and there's me,my arms wrap around Gene's shoulder,leaning my head to hers as she did the same.

"i'm sure you'll be happy to know that i'm making more friends"i mumbled.

I look at the time and saw that it's already 9:23 a.m,i have to prepare,i went to the bathroom and take a short shower,then put some hoodie with a shirt over it and a jogger then a converse shoes.

I went and look at my self in the mirror,i sighed and i grab my phone opening it,i saw the wallpaper which is a family photo of ours too,once again i sigh and smile sadly.

"i promise i'll find both of you,we'll be together again...i love you two"i murmured then closed my phone as i stepped out of my room to  Sean.

Just wanna inform you all that after i finish this book i'll be publishing another book,i don't know what to call it yet but yeah i'll publish it soon

And there will be a few time skip too,hope you don't mind😅

sorry for any grammatical error and typos


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