Chapter 8

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Its been 3 weeks since i found out that i'm pregnant,every morning i would always face morning sickness,while in school everything is normal.

Heeseung became more protective to me so he asked Xylene,Trish and Dafi to follow me everywhere,he's getting really annoying but he has been patient with me though,i'm always moody,craving alot of food which he manage to buy me,it's kinda hard because he is far from me but it's fine as long as we manage to make everything alright.

Right now i'm waiting for the bell to ring,just 5 minutes more and its finally time to go home it's so boring to listen to our subject teacher,i don't know why but i get irritated whenever i saw her face.


"ok class that's all for today,you may now go home"Our last subject teacher said.We all got up from our seats then start to pack our things,walking out of the room i'm immediately greeted by Heeseung.

"Heeseungie hi"I called him excitedly.

"Hey Gene"Heeseung greeted as he grab my bag and carry it for me.

"how was school?"He asked.

"it's boring...i get so irritated whenever i see Mrs.Ai's face"I said rolling my eyes as we head out of the school.

"i guess that's because of ummm you know"He said laughing lightly.

"you're right"I also said then we continue to head out of school.

"Do you wanna eat something?"Heeseung asked wrapping his other arms on my waist.

"yes i'm craving for some Black bean noodles"I answered him.

"ok then let's go...i know a place where we can eat delicious black bean noodles"He said then lead the way to the place he is saying.

Heeseung took me to a restaurant called NOODLES LIFE ,we went inside and took a seat.A young female waitress came up to us.

"What would you like to order?"She asked referring to Heeseung as if i'm not around,i sense a hint of flirtatious on her tone which made my blood boil.

"Two bowl of Black bean noodles and uhhhh...Gene what drink?"Heeseung asked me,i saw the waitress rolled her eyes.

"water is fine"i replied shortly.

"ok then i'll take water too"Heeseung said to the bitchy waitress.

"ok but may ask who is she? she your sister?"The waitress asked.

"oh no she's not my sister she's my girlfriend"Heeseung said proudly while holding my hand,her mouth form an O,i mentally smirk when she walked away,Ha! she thought she have a chance screw her tsk.

"i don't like her...she's clearly flirting with you"i said in irritation.

"i know but don't worry she won't get any of me"Heeseung reassured me.

"good because there's no way i'd share you"I said glaring at the female waitress coming on our way Heeseung just chuckled,i know that she know that i'm glaring at her but she payed no attention to me.

"here's your order"she said placing the food and the drinks on our table.

"thank you"Heeseung thanked her,she's about to open her mouth to speak but before she could say anything i cut her off.

"you may go now we don't need you anymore"i said getting my chopstick as i began to dig in,Heeseung sent her an apologizing look but i glare at him making him get his chopsticks and start eating too.

We finished eating and went to pay,after that we've decided to go to the park,we took a seat on one of the bench there.

"Heeseungie i want ice cream"i requested.

"but we just eat"Heeseung said.

"i know but i want ice cream right now...come on you said i should eat alot for the baby too"i said crossing my arms and sulked a little.

"Ok i'll buy you ice cream but stop that act"Heeseung said while he stood up and cupped my cheeks making me look up to him.

"stop sulking now my Genenie,i don't like it when you're upset"He said with a playful demanding tone.

"i want ice cream"i mumbled in a small voice as my cheeks are being squish by him,he chuckled and lean in to kiss the tip of my nose.

"yes i'll buy you some,now stand up and come with me"Heeseung holding my hand then we began to walk to the ice cream truck.

"hello young couple what would you like to get?"A man in his 40's asked us.

"i want chocolate chip ice cream"I told him eagerly.

"I'll get plain chocolate ice cream"Heeseung ordered,we waited as the man prepare our ice cream,a woman then came up to us.

"Heeseung?"She called.

Heeseung turn to her and a wide bright smile formed on his face.

"DoA!"He exclaimed hugging the DoA girl.

What the hell is going on?


sorry for any grammatical error and typos


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