Chapter 25

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We stayed in the hospital for 3 days since they had to examine baby Kei to make sure that she's fine and nothings wrong with her and after that 3 days, we went home.

We are now in Xylene's place at the back where the pool was located,her parents are not around so she invited us to have a pool party not that her parents mind that we are around and when i say us it means that me,Heeseung,Sunghoon,
Jungwon,Jimin,Taehyung,K,Soobin,Dafi Beomgyu,Seon,Rean and Trish are the only one who's invited and i'm glad.

We brought baby Kei too but of course she's not going in to the pool she's just a few months old it'll be dangerous.

"hey can someone get the beef"Xylene shouted as she came back from inside,she had a meat with her.

"what are you gonna do with that?"Rean asked putting lipstick on her lips not looking at her.

"we are going to have a barbecue"Xylene said plainly.

"barbecue?...Xy it's 11 in the morning and you're planing on having a barbecue"Seon said in disbelief.

"what? guys don't want to have barbecue?"Xylene asked rolling her eyes.

"we didn't said that"Heeseung said going in to get the beef then i followed him.Baby Kei is with Taehyung,Jimin and Hanbin so i have nothing to worry about.


As we arrived at the kitchen Heeseung dig in the refrigerator.

"beef beef beef where's the beef?"Heeseung said in a sing-song tone.

"oh there is it"He exclaimed when he finally found the beef.

"Heeseungie"I called his name after he closed the ref.

"What is it?"He asked softly turning his attention to me.

I didn't say anything i just smiled at him making his face scrunched in confusion.

"i love your smile YAM but you look creepy right now"He commented making me chuckled,i approach him and wrap my arms around his torsos then layed my head on his chest listening to his heart beat that seems to speed up,he's look takin back but he drop the beefs on the counter and wrap his strong arms around me.

"i love you"i said looking up and stare directly to his eyes.

"i love you too"He said staring back at my eyes,he start to lean in closing his eyes and i did the same.I can feel his breath on my lips just a few inches and our lips will touch but someone interrupt.

" what do we have here"Jimin said smugly he's with Taehyung,who is carrying our baby in his arms and looking at us smirking.

"look baby Kei your mom and dad are having a cheesy moment"Taehyung teasingly commented,we pull away from each other,cheeks are glowing pink,wth so embarrassing ugh.,i thought.

"sorry to break your moment but baby Kei seems hungry"Jimin stated.

"give her to me"I said and Taehyung handed baby Kei to me and i walk out heading to Xylene's room to feed baby Kei,that was the most embarrassing moment in my whole life.


Gene went upstairs to feed baby Kei and i was left here in the kitchen with this two Hyung dorks.

"yieee you guys was about to make out~~~"Jimin said in a teasing tone.

"no we're not"I denied because it's true we're not going to make out that's for adult only.

"ha! if we didn't walk in, she'll probably be in the counter with you between her and making the hell out"Taehyung teasingly said making me blush so hard.

"shut it Hyung"i said flustered by his playful statement.

"aww is our lil papa Heeseung blushing?"They asked teasing me more.

"enough please let's just bring this beef in,and....and forget about what you saw"I said before heading outside still a blushing mess.

Both Hyungs laugh their handsome *ss off and that made me blush even more,so embarrassing haist.

so i've made up my mind that YAM will be their official call sign.
YAM means You.Are.Mine
you cringed right?😂
but it's not sweet if they don't have a call sign and i find babe,baby,jagi,
princess cringy so i decided that YAM is their call sign😁

sorry for any grammatical error and typos


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