Chapter 35

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Dad and mom is in the US already,we didn't go with them because of some reasons of mine,i just hope that he didn't sell it though and it's my way too to know if he really left us.
I'm still doubting about him suddenly leaving us.

I was already discharged from the hospital,they took test to see if there's still something wrong and thank god that they didn't find anything wrong with me or else i'll be staying in that hospital,oh and i'm still trying to make myself forgive my dad because of course we have to forgive people and he's my dad too.

I told the guys and the girls about what happened but that's after mom and dad left,i don't want him to do something to them.They have the same reaction as mine,they actually don't believe that Heeseung would just left us it's unbelievable,and i also told them about my dad wanting me to got to US and they said it's fine maybe it'll help me move on from the shot accident it's traumatic but not from Heeseung i'll never gonna move on from him.

I'm afraid that he'll find another girl to replace us,i'm afraid that Kei have to grow up without a father but i'm still hoping we see each other maybe not for me but for Kei.

This day we're currently heading to the apartment,it's just me,baby Kei and Rean.

"you know what Gene it's a bit suspicious that he suddenly left... despair...he didn't even contact Sunghoon,they're good friends"Rean said.

"i agree but maybe he got tired of us...he's always working hard to get us what we want,he doesn't even have time for himself"i said sadly.

"seriously lady Heeseung would never leave just for that untrue reasons of yours"she exclaimed.

"let's just stop talking about it"i said as i start to play with Kei who is smiling cutely at us.

"jesus she really got Heeseung's smile"Rean exclaimed pinching Kei's cheeks gently.

"that's why i love her smile it reminds me of her father"i said smiling.

"she's gonna be a beautiful lady when she grow up just like her mom"she said with a hint of teasing.

"shut it Rean"I said rolling my eyes but i can't hide my smile.

"What?'re beautiful...we are beautiful"she said laughing lightly,i swear this girl has alot of confidence.

"i couldn't agree more"i said sarcastically.

"oh shut up we're beautiful and that's final right baby kei"she said.

"whatever we are here"I said and stepped out of the car with Kei in my arms then Rean stepped out too and with that we headed to the apartment.

We reached the apartment and Rean step in to knock on the door but no one answered and btw Rean thought that the reason we went here is to get our things but i actually want to make sure that Heeseung is not here anymore and i guess he's not really here.

"no one's here do you have the keys?"she asked turning to me.

"yeah"i respond handing her the keys and she opened the door.

"let's enter"I said then we stepped in the apartment,everything is covered with white sheets,i'm confused because we don't really own this apartment yet,we're planing to buy it but we don't have money so all we can do is rent it.

"his clothes are not in the closet anymore"Rean said coming out of our room.

"it's fine i only want to get my clothes and Kei's"i lied trying to say it calmly  but i'm hurting inside,he did left us.

After some minutes we are finally done packing mine and Kei's things,we head out and i locked the door since Rean is holding the bags of ours,after locking the door we left but then i decided to call dad.

"hello dad?"i started.

"yes sweety?"he replied.

"we will go there to US"i blur out and i can totally imagine my dad smiling brightly.

"that's great then i'll arrange your flight good bye takecare"He said before hanging up,i was left sighing.

"so you finally decided to go huh?"Rean said sadly.

"yeah maybe i can start a new life there with Kei"i said stroking my daughter's hair who look at me in confusion.

"call us Gene...we will surely miss you"She said as tears began to fall down her cheeks.

"do not cry Rean i'll be back maybe in 3 years? i don't know..."i shrugged rubbing her shoulders as Kei heard her crying she cried too.

"aww no don't cry my love"i said shushing her.

"sorry for making you cry lil Kei it's just that aunty is gonna miss you both"She exclaimed crying more.

"we'll miss you too now shush"I said shushing her too.


sorry for any grammatical error and typos


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