Chapter 33

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"my baby please wake up"i heard a voice begging for me to wake up,the voice is my mom's,she's sobbing too,i hate it when she cry,especially because of me.

It's has been 1 month since i was put in coma,i heard them talking,the girls and the guys,they visit me but only 5 times and i heard that my dad assigned guards to guard me.

"we miss you baby...your daughter miss you... your friends they miss you"Mom said as i try to open my eyes even though it's hard but i ain't giving up,i try to open my eyes again or move my fingers and guess what?

"oh my gosh honey your fingers are moving...come on you can do it wake up for us"She exclaimed and i did my best to wake up and i finally can see light,I adjust my eyes from the light and then i can finally see my mom.

"Honey"She exclaimed and hugged me but i groaned.

"Oh my god sorry honey wait i'll call the doctor"She said about to get up but i stopped her.

"w-wate-r-r"i manage to say as then she went to grab a water bottle and hand it to me then i drank the water.

"I'll call the doctor"She said heading out.

Minutes later she finally came back with the doctor and a nurse.

"it's good to know that you're awake Ms.Bae"The doctor said and went to me to check me.

"well you're fine now but we still have to do some test regarding to the  injury you got from the shot and after that you can go home but you'll take a lot of rest and don't move to much"the doctor stated.

"thank god"my mom said tearing up.

"we'll get going Mrs.Bae"They bow and went out of the room.

"Where's Heeseung?"i asked.

"He went to Australia with his mom and dad"a manly voice said,it's father.

"He left?"I asked in confusion.

"yes he left you with Kei An"He said coldly and kisses moms and my forehead.

"He wouldn't do that he love us"I exclaimed not believing that Heeseung left to go to Australia.

"mom it isn't true right?"i turn to look at mom but she look down.

"I'm sorry but it's true...he left you both"she said and all i could do was cry.

"He would never"i mumbled.

"But he did left you and Kei An...i try to stop him but it didn't work"dad explained.

"No i don't believe you Dad he love us too much to left us"I said rising my voice.

"it's unbelievable i know my daughter but it's true"He said sadly before sitting on the hospital bed and rub my shoulder.

"daughter?...but you disown me"i said confusingly.

"i know and i'm sorry for that...i was just angry that you can't finish your studies because of that"he explained.

"forgive me my daughter"He said looking at me.

"Fine i forgive you...i think ummm i'll try"but i'll never forget,i thought.

"Thank you...btw you,your mom,Kei An and Me are going to US"he said making me look at him completely shocked.

"WHAT?"i exclaimed.

"since Heeseung left both of you in our care,we decided to bring you guys to can finish your studies there"He explained.

"but what about my friends?"I asked frowning.

"They didn't visit you anymore,did they?"He said and i look away.

"it's like they don't care about you my dear so just come with us to US and you can find new friends there"He said.

"just because he left us doesn't mean i will left too"i said coldly.

"ok then you stay here but if you change your mind just call me and i'll have your passport ready"He said then he left with mom who wave her hands as a goodbye.

"i don't believe that Heeseung,my YAM left us"i said as tears start to fall down my cheeks.


sorry for any grammatical error and typos


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