Chapter 13

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It's been 3 months since that happened,Heeseung manage to find a job in a cafe called KOOKIES & TAE Cafe,it's paying him well,he has been saving his leftover money too.

Gene has been focus on her online class.The guys are always visiting the young couple,they even took her on a shopping.

Gene have a small bump now, whenever Heeseung arrived from school and work he would always talk to their baby in her tummy.Living with Sunghoon was great but they've decided that when they have enough money to rent an apartment,they'll move.

Sunghoon was ok with it since that's what they want.Right now they're in the living room of Sunghoons house watching movie.


Everything went fine after my dad disown me,mom keep in touch with me she would always call me asking me if i'm ok,how was her grandchild things like that.

Heeseung has been working really hard he barely have time to rest because in the morning he have to attend school while in the after noon he'd be in the cafe,working.

I'm feeling bad because i can't even do something to help him but he said that it's ok as long as me and our baby is safe.

"What time is it now?"I asked.

"it's already 9 p.m"Hanbin answered.

"Heeseung was supposed to be here at 7:30...his off early today"I said in frustration,i wanna hug him so bad i miss him though.

"awww your mama misses your Dada lil bean"Taehyung said in a baby voice while talking to our bean.We call her/him bean for now because we don't know the gender yet.

"that's right isn't she a cute little pregnant teennie"Xylene said coming closer to me talking to bean too.

"shut up both of you"I said scowling at them.

"awww she is getting annoyed"Seon chuckled teasing me too.

"poor lil Preggy Gene being tease by dorks"Hanbin said shaking his head in disappointment but i know he's teasing me too tsk.

"shut it guys we don't want lil bean to be mad at us by making his/her mama we?"Jimin mocked,teasing me too.

"Ugh!"i exclaimed really annoyed by them,this made them laugh wtf.

"ok now what's going in here?"a voice said.

We all turn to the direction where the voice came from and we saw Heeseung yey,i rush to him and pulled him in a tight hug.

"i missed you"i said wincing.

"i missed you too but don't run like that"He said chuckling before pulling away from me.

"eww this is a 100% cringy sight"Jungwon commented,all of us look at him and he arch one of his eyebrows,so we let him go.

"Hey guys i see you'rell teasing Gene again"He said greeting them

"what nooooooo"Dafi denied.

"we're just having a fun conversation with her"Sunghoon said too.

"and what's that about?"Heeseung asked as he took my hand then we sit down.

"nothing for you to worry about"Beomgyu said grabbing a handful of popcorn.They went back on watching the movie.

"Heeseung"i shyly called him.

"hmmm yes"he hummed rubbing my small bump.

"did...did you buy the chocolate? "i shyly asked making him chuckled,i don't really know why i'm acting like this but maybe it's because of the pregnancy hormones.

"of course i did..."Heeseung said before grabbing his bag and took out my favorite chocolate.

"yey"I cheered quietly taking the chocolate on his hands opening it.

"make sure to brush your teeth after you eat"Heeseung remind me,gosh i'm not a kid anymore i'm even carrying his child.I thought rolling my eyes,i ignored him and began eating my chocolate and i didn't gave them any.


"Gene are you done brushing your teeth?"Heeseung shouted warily from our bedroom.I'm here inside the bathroom i just finish brushing my teeth.The movie night went well but of course they have to go home so yeah.

"Yes i'm done "i shouted back and headed to Heeseung who was using his phone playing games probably.Laying next to him,i took his phone from him and put it on the night stand then cuddle closer to him.

"you became a cuddle monster Gene"Heeseung said chuckling lightly.

"is it bad that i want to stay close to you"I said looking up to him.

"no it's cute-oh and i have to tell you something"Heeseung said getting me all curious.

"what is it?"I asked still looking up to him.

" know that the cafe pays me well right?"I only nodded letting  him talk.

"but i figure out that if i find another job then we can earn more money for the labor"He said.

"so you're saying that you'll find another job?"I asked.

"i...i already have a second job"He said smiling nervously.

"but what your school?"I questioned.

"i...ummm"He avoided my gaze.

"What?"I said darkly.

"i drop out"He blur out.The heck? he seriously drop out,is he out of his mind?.I ranted inside my head,because i went silent Heeseung thought that i'm mad well i'm really mad though.

so guys so after chapter 13 it's supposed to be chapter 14 right? but something went wrong and chp.15 is next instead of 14 but i know you guys know how to count so it's 14 first before 15,i'm really sorry😭.

sorry for any grammatical error and typos


TEEN PARENTS/ ENHYPEN HEESEUNG FF✅Where stories live. Discover now