Chapter 44

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After me,Gene and Kei ate,i told her that we should stay at our apartment,she asked if we still own it and i answered yes,she called her mom to tell her that she'll be staying with me,Gene also hand me her phone to talk to Mrs.Bae,she seems happy to know that Gene and Kei is staying with me,i told father and mother that i'll be staying at the apartment too but i didn't tell them yet about Gene and Kei,they gladly agreed.

Right now me and Gene are sitting here on the couch of our living room,Kei is already asleep,we already clean the whole apartment,it's easy because it's not big.

"sooo can i ask you something?"I started,she hummed in response.

"did you wrote that letter your father sent for me?"i asked.

"no i didn't wrote anything"She answered and i felt relief.

"thank you still love me?"I say,she look at me and smiled.

"of course i do...father he...."She started while i stayed silent letting her talk.

"He was the one who wrote the letter,it wasn't from me...he also told me you went to Australia and he tried to stop you but you still left"She stated  i only look at her shocked.

"i thought you left us because...because you don't want us anymore you don't love us anymore,i thought we're burdening you that's why you left but it turn out that you didn't really left us"She said sobbing,i rubbed her shoulders for comfort.

"i did left....i went to England to study business management since i'll take over dad's company,i left because dad told me you went overseas and the letter too,but i don't completely believe the letter,it's not so you"I say and it's her turn to stay silent letting me talk.

"i didn't really believe the letter because i fell like it's not from you but the fact that dad want me to take over the company because they're getting  old made me leave but believe me there's no day that i can't stop thinking about both of you"I stated as tears flaw down my cheeks,we're both crying now.

"father apologized to me and i already forgive him Gene"i told her and she nodded.

"My dad... he lied to me when he told me that you're leaving us,i didn't believe him so i went here to check if you're here but you're not so i just let dad take us to US but then this day i found out his bad doings,i'm mad at him YAM he's cruel"Gene said crying more,i embrace her and shushed her while stroking her hair.

"let's stop talking about this atlest we both know that we didn't leave each other,things are clear now we don't have to worry anymore"I mumbled as i put her head on my chest,i felt her nod.

"i missed both of you so much...i love you Gene and i love our baby too"I remarked.

"we missed you too YAM and we love you... i love you"She says,pulling away from me sniffing as she wipe her tears off.

"i have alot of videos to show you"She said making me excited.

"can you show me now?"I said rushing to see what the videos are.

"nope tomorrow...for now let's sleep"She said and i lightly pout but consider it.

We head back to our room and lay down and fall asleep cuddling.

sorry for any grammatical error and typos


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