Chapter 11

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Heeseung hasn't call yet,i'm getting worried,today we're confessing about my pregnancy,we are both afraid of what will happen,we told the boys and the girls that we'll tell them today,they're nervous too,they sent us good luck and that made our feeling a bit better.

I'm nervously sitting on the couch   infront of my mom and dad,
sweat starts to form on my forehead
as i play with my fingers.

"what do you want to talk to us...did something bad happen?"mom asked worriedly as she notice my

"is it about school...did you fail?"dad said.

"n-no i uh"i mumble,nervousness is all over me,i don't know how to tell them.

"i'm getting impatient Gene"my dad
said clearly annoyed by my behavior.

i gulp and took a deep breath,finally looking up to meet my parents
worried face.

"i-i'm pregnant"I confessed.

"How the hell...Is Heeseung the father?"My dad asked,his voice sound venomous,it's making me scared.

"IS HEESEUNG THE FATHER?!!"He shouted making me and mom jump lightly on our seats.

"Dear relax"Mom said and headed to dad then stroke his shoulders trying to calm him down.

"Relax?...RELAX?!! can i relax knowing that,that Kid got my Daughter pregnant?!!"He shouted again,i'm sure the walls are going to crack if he keep shouting.

"Dear i'm sure they didn't want it to happen"my mom said coming up to me giving me a side hug.

"since when Bae Gene?!!...since when?!!"I start to cry getting scared of my own dad.

"Dear don't shout at her,she's sensitive,she's pregna-"Mom was cutted off by my dad.

"Don't say that P word...its making me vomit"He spat darkly.

" i'm sorry"I apologize in a small voice but enough for them to hear.

"SORRY WON'T CHANGE THE FACT THAT YOU'RE CARRYING A BABY!!...A F*CKIN' BABY GENE!"he shouted again,i look down letting my tears flow.

"Don't shout at our daughter!!"my mom shouted back at him,defended me.

"it's not their intention to be in this situation!!"mom added.

"right now...they need our help...our guide...our daughter needs us"Mom said gently while placing her hands on my dads shoulder again,this somehow made him calm down but i know that he's still angry at me...and Heeseung.

"She's no longer our daughter...we disown you"He remarked making me look up to them with my crying eyes.

"but...papa"i called out,my mom is crying too.

"don't do this Dear"Mom look up to dad with her pleading eyes but dad ignored her.

"leave and don't ever come back"He said before walking out,leaving me all numb until my mom walk to me.

"it's going to be fine honey...every thing will be fine"Mom reassured me she's about to hug me when dad called her.

"always remember that your my baby...send me a picture of you and the baby together with Heeseung when she/he is born"Mom told me before getting up,giving me a last look and finally went out.

i was left crying on the couch,Papa disown me,I thought.My phone rings letting me know that someone is calling,looking over it i found out that the caller is Heeseung.

i bring my phone near my ears, answering the call.

"Hello"I said but my voice cracked.

"Hey Gene"Heeseung greeted but a sob was heard.

"Gene they kicked me out"Heeseung confessed crying over the phone,this made my tears fall harshly.

"they disown me Heeseung"I confessed too while i'm sobbing loudly.

"what?...Gene where are you?"He asked worry can be heard on his tone,the sobs stops too.

"In the house...i'm about to pack my things"i tell him as i sobbed.

"i'm coming there wait for me..."Heeseung then hangup.

My clothes are pack so does the other things i needed the most,Heeseung hasn't arrive yet so i'm here in the living room,sitting on the couch again while feeling numb,my tears stopped falling already but my eyes are swollen.

"we can do this baby...we can do this with your dad"I said talking to the baby in me.

The doorbell rang which means someone is out there.Heading to the door to open it,i was greeted by a swollen eyed Heeseung,i notice a bruise on his cheeks too.

"Heeseung"I said pulling him into a hug,he immediately hug back resting his chin on the top of my head.Inviting him inside,we took my things.

"where are we going now?"I asked locking the door before we headed to his car.

"We'll stay in Sunghoons for now...i already told him"He informed me while picking up the other things from me then he guide me to stepped in the car then he stepped in too after me.

"We can do this Genennie"He said intertwining our hand looking to me.

"Yeah we can do this"I said looking at our intertwined hands.



sorry for any grammatical error and typos


TEEN PARENTS/ ENHYPEN HEESEUNG FF✅Where stories live. Discover now