Chapter 5

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It's been 3 week since that happened Gene has been ignoring my calls and text,it's making me go insane but it's my fault anyways...

I'm currently outside of Gene's school with Sunghoon,Hanbin and Soobin,
i gave her enough time to cool down,
i really want to talk to her,i don't like it when she ignore me.

The guys and the girls told me that they put something on our drink that's why we felt the heat,of course i got mad at them,I mean why would they do such thing but i already forgive them.

Minutes passed and i can see Gene walking out with Rean i approach them,Rean stopped but Gene walk pass me and the 3 boys.

"Gene please talk to me"I pleaded.

She stopped walking,i walked to her and held her arms.

"let's talk...let's fix this"I said my eyes is already watery i can feel it but i don't care.

She didn't said anything,just standing there looking at me.

"plssss i'm begging you"I hold her cheeks but she look away.

"I don't want to"She said.

"Please just listen to me"i begged again.

"No"She stubbornly said.

"Gene you need to talk to him,tell him about the news too"Rean butted in,i got confused about the news Rean was saying.

"fine"Gene huffed walking out and I followed her leaving Rean and the three boys


It's been 3 weeks since I last talked to him,I just can't believe that we actually did that thing in such a young age,one of the reason why i avoided him is because i can't tell him the news,he might leave me.

We stopped walking when we reach JINNIES CAFE,we were greeted by Jhope,one of the employee here,we took a seat on the table near the window as Jhope followed us.

"what would you like to order?"He asked.

"I'll get One slice of Red Velvet cake and one iced Americano,"Heeseung ordered.

"how about you Gene?"He asked me.

"I'll get Red Velvet cupcakes and a hot chocolate please"I ordered too.

"ok coming right up"Jhope brightly remarked as he went to prepare our order.

Me and Heeseung just sat there,not speaking to each other,awkward silence is eating me up,thankfully Jhope came with our order,we thanked him and immediately dig in to our food.

"so i just wanted to apologize about what happened that night,i can't understand why i can't control my self i feel like something's pushing me to do that...i'm really sorry"He apologized,i didn't talk and he took it as a signal for him to continue.

"Hanbin they uh put a drug on our drink they plan it together with the guys and the girls"He stated,i froze on my spot,i can't believe they did that.

"why...why would they do such thing"I mumbled feeling hurt,my eyes watered.

"They wanted to say sorry to you but they don't know how to approach you"He said.

"sorry can't make me forget what they did to us...because of their stupid action my parents might disown me!"I cried people look at us probably wondering why am i crying.

"why would they disown didn't do anything wrong"He said putting his hand on mine rubbing it,it made me calm down.

"Heeseung"I called his name.

"tell me what's wrong please i can't stand seeing you cry"He said still rubbing his tumb on my hand.

"promise me you won't leave me if i tell you"I cried.

"whatever is it i'll never leave you,i promise"He promised.

"pinky promise"I said pulling my pinky out,this made him chuckle but he knew i'm serious,pulling his pinky too and attach it with mine he said...

"pinky promise"I smiled lightly and took a deep breath ready to tell him the news that i've been hiding for over 1 week now.

"Heeseung"I started.

"I'm pregnant"


Ok so i have seen some comments about how Gene loudly said that she's pregnant,well lemme clear it to you,she's actually not saying it loud,my point or purpose on writing it this way👉(I'M PREGNANT) is to make it seems like it's a big big news,which it is.Did you get it?i'm sorry if you didn't😂,i'm actually finding this hard to explain😂.So yeah another explanation,i know some of you read books where the authors end their chapters with a cliffhanger and some authors even use big letters for those cliffhangers to make the readers get excited or nervous for the next chapter,and that's what i did,whereas some of you misinterpreted and i clearly understand why.Because what we usually read in books,that if the person said his line on big letters like this👉 [YOU DID WHAT?] we immediately thought that he's shouting and he really is indeed shouting.However to make this tiny little issue disappear,i just edited it so there will be no misinterpreting,i hope that made everything clear although i still find it really hard to explain it😂.

sorry for any grammatical error and typos


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