Chapter 36

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Today is the day of our flight to US,i got my baby Kei wear into something cute yet comportable and warm,while me i just wear a simple brown blouse and a denim skirt that reaches my knees and a white Adidas shoes,oh and we're inside a hotel because i refuse to stay into my dad's house.

Only K,Taehyung,Jimin and Hanbin is the one who is coming with me to the airport since the others have school but i already bid my goodbyes to them,they even tear up like me.

"Gene are done already?"Jimin oppa said from the bedroom since i was in the bathroom.

"yes just a minute"i responded as i put a liptint on my lips then tie my hair into a ponytail.

"and done"i mumbled looking at myself in the mirror smiling sadly then sigh before i went out of the bathroom.

"you look beautiful"Jimin oppa complemented me and i thanked him.

"let's get going or you'll be late for your flight"K oppa said we all nodded then i took Baby Kei from Taehyung oppa,with that we headed to the airport.


Today i'm finally going to England,my dad will come with me since he have something to do there.

I pack my clothes and the things i needed the most or my important things like Gene's hair tie,i stole it from her because whenever we went out she sometimes forgot to tie her hair so i'm just being prepared.

I really miss them,i want to touch them,kiss them or hug them and tell them how much i love them but she already ended the things between us so i can't do anything about it,i also thought that she will find a man who will make both of them happy,i just hope that it wouldn't end up like what happened to the both of us.

"Sir your father is already waiting outside the car"Our helper,Miya informed me,well you see i stayed with my dad for a while that's why i am here.

"okay thank you"i said heading outside and as i arrive there i saw my mom hugging my dad and he did the same.

"take care of our child honey"she reminded warily.

"mom,dad will handle something there he's not really staying with me"i said as my mom went to me and hugged me.

"i know i know i just...i'm going to miss you"she mumbled on my chest.

"me too mom"i said hugging her back.

"let's go now son"my father interrupted gesturing me to step in the car.

"we will go now mom"i said stepping in the car as dad went to kiss mom and stepped in the car also.

"Let's go"Dad told the driver who nodded and drove off to the airport.

After driving for a long minute we finally reached the airport,we stepped out of the car and get our things then we entered the airport.

As i was walking with my dad the airline called the passengers that are going to US,some people rushed,i guess that this is the last call so they're rushing.

I stopped walking when my phone rings indicating that someone is calling me and it's mom.I answered the call but then someone bump into me from behind.

"i'm so sorry"the anonymous said but she didn't look back at me and rushed off,she has a baby in her arms,and some luggage with her,she maybe is one of the passengers that are going to US,so just i ignored her.


earlier i bump into a man but i was on rushed so i just apologize not looking at him,we're inside the plane already,my daughter is fast asleep on my arms,i can feel the plane going up but i'm used to it so it's no big deal.

"see you in 3 years Korea"i mumbled.


Dad and I are already in the plane,it's been an long minute since the plane to US went off,and we're the next.
I then deeply sigh.

"son everything is going to be alright"my dad reassured me as he notice that i sigh,it's actually not my first time riding plane,its just that i suddenly thought of Gene and Kei,wait who am i kidding i always thought of them.

"i hope we'll meet again my YAM and my little princess"

Ok so i repeat,YAM means you.are. mine,i already wrote what it means on one of the chapter

sorry for any grammatical error and typos


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