Chapter 34

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Here i am facing my dad's office door,i'm nervous on what will he tell me,it seems serious though.Taking a deep breath before knocking the door,i can do this fighting!.

"come in"a voice said and it's clearly my father's voice.

I slowly open the door and enter,i saw my dad doing something on his laptop,he have eye glasses on and alot of files on his desk.

"come sit"he said gesturing me to sit on the seat infront of his desk.

"have you eat already?"he asked,wow i miss that,he used to ask me that before things happened.

"yes i eat already now lets get into the point...what's the important thing you want to tell me?"i said.

"Gene's dad hand me letter for me to send it to you...he said it's from Gene...we had a meeting"He stated.

"Letter?...Genes awake?"I asked in confusion.

"Yes she is"He blur out and i couldn't help but to widen my eyes.

"She's awake i should go to the hosp-"as i was about to stand up my father stopped me.

"son read the letter first"he said looking sad.

"fi-fine "i said and grab the letter and read it...

Dear Heeseung,

I'm sorry but we have to break up,i loved you and Kei Ann loves you too,but we just have to end this relationship,i had a great time with you,you made me happy but i fell out of love Heeseung,i'm so tired of living in that small apartment,i was supposed to live in a huge mansion but because you impregnated me i ended up in that gross apartment sorry that we have to end our once beautiful relationship.I loved you Heeseung.


After i read the letter,i couldn't help but to tear up,she's just going to throw our relationship as if it was nothing,all i feel right now is anger,sadness and confusion.

"i read it too and i'm sorry for that,i was just curious"Dad said.

"Gene wouldn't do this...write a letter and left she won't do that"I said in denial.

"yeah i know she's a good girl and if she want to end things with you she'll do it personally and she loves you so much"Father said also confused.

"i...i wanted you tell you something"Dad said and i nodded.

"i wanted to say sorry for kicking you out,i was just worried about our reputation,our name and it was wrong because i was supposed to help you out,guide you but instead i left you alone...I'm really sorry my son"He apologize i only stare at him shocked.

"I totally understand why you have to kick me out because of course what would people say if your son got a 17 years old pregnant,it would ruin your name,o-our name and you work hard to be in the top so i forgive you pa"i remarked but then i was pulled into a tight manly hug.

"thank you that means alot but can you do me a favor?"He said.

"what is it?"i asked.

"well you see me and your mom can't get any younger and we wanted to travel the world before we get really old so...."He said.

"So what dad?"i asked.

"So can you takecare of the company while we travel"He continued.

"but Gene i ca-"i stopped my self from saying what i was supposed to say as i remember the letter,but it's suspicious though.

"she left you with your baby... but i think she will comeback because this thing is a bit suspicious though"He said but i remain silent,dad's right it's quite suspicious.

"me and your mom decided that you'll go to England to study business'll only take 2 years since i teach you before i hope you remember it"He stated.

" i do remember it but i can't just leave"i said in hesitation.

"please son i know that i did something bad to you but please"he pleaded.

"but that's 2 years what if Gene suddenly our apartment even though she broke up with me"I said.

"she's with Mr.Bae you know how she is his princess and he doesn't really agree on your relationship with her,he just approved it because of his there's a possibility that he is the one who make Gene left you and maybe he doesn't want you to see her again"father stated.

"that's...ugh i don't know...i thought he liked me but it turns out that he didn't...but then he disown Gene"I ranted lightly in frustration.

"he had a big project when that happened,he must have worry that Gene's pregnancy will affect his project that's why he did that but i think he did that out of stress or something"Father stated again.

"you know maybe going to England will help you clear your mind off"Dad said.

"fine i'll go...for mom and well for you"i said sighing.

"'ll leave next week"He said and i nodded,i guess i'll use this as a scape from the horrible break up.

"i just really hope they're doing good"i said thinking about Gene and Kei.



sorry for any grammatical error and typos


TEEN PARENTS/ ENHYPEN HEESEUNG FF✅Where stories live. Discover now