Chapter 14

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Yesterday i asked Sunghoon if i could sleep in another guest room,i'm really upset to Heeseung i mean why would he do such thing?it's his dream to finish school and he just drop out to find a job just to earn money for me and our baby.

I get that he cared for us but he doesn't have to do that it's off limit.
Yesterday i didn't sleep with him ,it's making me go insane that i didn't get to cuddle with him,i'm a crazy bitch that's why.

"Gene?"a soft voice call my name and i know exactly who is it.

"What do you want Heeseung?"i asked coldly.

"please talk to me i'm sorry"I look at him,his eyes particularly,they're pleading,sad and lost i didn't even see regret in his eyes,it's not necessary though but for sure he'll regret dropping out sooner.

"i'm really upset about you dropping out"I said slightly glaring at him.

"i just did that so i can focus on both of my job...i just did that so we could have money...i just did that to provide what you and our baby needs"He said i can see his eyes already tearing up like mine.

"but you wouldn't be able
to graduate"i said already crying,he went closer to me and cupped my cheeks.

"it's fine as long as i could give you what you need and what our baby need it's all fine...i'll do anything for the both of you...even if it means dropping out i don't care...i prefer working...sure it's tiring but when i see you with your little bump,my tiredness is replaced by happiness...
so don't worry too much it's no good for you"He said caressing my cheeks then kissed my forehead.

"i'm sorry...i feel like we're burdening you"i said looking down.

"What the...Gene you're not a burden so does lil Bean...i love you both and as i said earlier i'll do anything for the both of you"He softly said looking directly into my eyes.

"i love you too...lil bean love you too"i said tearing up because of happiness.

He lean in and peck my lips then hugged me after.

"don't think your self as a burden because you're not"He said brushing my hair i only hummed loving this moment.

"aww they're so cute"a girly voice said out of nowhere,giggling.

"shhhh they might hear you"another voice said.

"take your phone come on"and another voice said.

Me and Heeseung pull away from each other before clearing our throat.

"shit they heard us it's your fault"That voice definitely belong to Xylene.

"come out now guys"Heeseung said as they come out of their hiding spot.

"Hi"they greeted awkwardly then wave their hands.

"Hello"Me and Heeseung said in chorus too.

"now why are you spying us?"Heeseung asked arching one of his eyebrows.

"well..."K tried to explain but end up giggling.

"we weren't spying,we just happen to walk by here"Soobin denied but this giant bunny baby can't lie to us.Just by looking at him we know his lying.

"ok fine we're spying so what"He finally admitted making me and Heeseung chuckled.No matter how tall he is,he manage to look so cute.

"nothing"We again chuckled.

"ohhh btw guys"Dafi said trying to catch out attention and it did catch our attention.

"tomorrow is my sisters birthday and i wanna invited you all"She said handing us the invitation card.

"hmmm it's held in an 5 star hotel?"Seon asked amazed.

"well"Dafi shrugged,this bitch is rich bruh.

"we'll attend then"Taehyung said making Dafi smile brightly.

"oh my gosh really?!!"Dafi exclaimed excitedly.

"like duh you already hand us the invitation card"Jungwon sassed.

"shut up you dimple boy"Dafi said before rolling her eyes.

"please don't argue"Hanbin said rubbing his forehead,this guy is really stressed over his cousins poor him.



sorry for any grammatical error and typos


TEEN PARENTS/ ENHYPEN HEESEUNG FF✅Where stories live. Discover now