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(Jayden POV)

Rage! Pure rage courses through my veins. The fact they took my best friend took me to a new level a revenge

I watched as everyone ran out of the room. I was left alone, my rapid heartbeat echoing against the walls. My jaw clinched so tight that my teeth started to loosen

'Jayden! Calm down' Twilight pleads

'They took her!' I growled 'They took the only friend I ever had!'

'I know what you're thinking Jayden' Twilight sighs 'It's a bad idea'

'We have no choice, we must get her back'

'Dammit woman! Do you hear yourself?! You want to rescue her alone?!'

'Yes' Was all I replied before I started running to the hut I was sleeping in. When I opened the door, High Priestess Magnolia was patiently waiting for me in a recliner

"You took your time little one" She smiles as she stands up

"Are you here to convince me to stay?" I ask bitterly

"Quite the contrary my dear child, I came to make sure you had this" She holds up a deep red gem the size of my fist

"What is that?" I asked

"A gift" She says "It'll camouflage your werewolf, so you'll be able to pass through checkpoints the cult has set up"

"Won't they know me from my face?"

"Hold the gem and look into the mirror" She instructs. I grab a hold of the gem and it's cold to touch. I feel a little buzz and the gem glows for a few seconds before returning to it's dormant state. I walk over to the mirror and gasp when I see the I'm now blonde with Asian features "Now you know how they'll never spot you" High Priestess Magnolia chuckles "But you must be quick, the disguise only lasts for 24hrs and you must have it on your person the whole time or it'll break"

"Won't they search me?"

"Indeed they will" High Priestess Magnolia sighs "It is your choice how you proceed"

'Why must things be in a fucking riddle?!' Twilight groans 'Is it so freaking hard to answer a question with a yes or fucking no or hey....why don't I tell you in detail so you won't have to guess!'

"Thank High Priestess Magnolia"

"You're welcome child"

"Do you know what happened to Dr James?"

"She's quite alright. She was drugged and tied to a chair, nothing that'll be permanent" High Priestess Magnolia responds

"But....the cult is violent....why let her live?" I ask, completely confused

"That is an answer you must find out for yourself" She smiles gently

'Another fucking riddle!' Twilight groans

"But you must leave now, your friends and family will start looking for you" She hands me a packed bag and ushers me out the back door "There is a second entrance to the Temple not far from here, it'll take you straight to the main road where I have a contact waiting for you"

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