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(Jayden POV)

"My butthole hurts" I mumble into my pillow. After last night, we all crashed. It was an incredible night though, one that I won't forget anytime soon

"It's not that bad" Raina chuckles

"There was 4 of you and 1 butt hole, do the maths" I groan "What happened to after-care?"

"You fell asleep, still inside Aella" My mate laughs

"Oh" I blush "And where'd you get the strap? Did you pack it with you? I thought we lost everything?"

"At a stall in the markets" She smiles "Temple people have sex too"

"But they're sandle wearing, vegetarian hippy folk. I wouldn't have guessed they'd have a sex stall"

"What do you think the people do here?"

"Hug trees" I shrug

"You're an ass" She laughs

"No, but my ass does hurt" I pout

"You better not complain too much" Amber points out. She scared the shit out of me, cause I thought she was still asleep. She snorts at my action, rolling onto my back and kissing the nape of my neck "I heard Edwin is pretty tough in his teachings"

"Seriously?" I groan "Where'd ya hear that?"

"Edwin" She smirks against my skin "He told me what he had planned for you"

"And what's that?"

"Pain" She laughs, making me let out a loud whine

"Ma's going to teach you in wolf form as well" Raina informs me "Just incase something happens and Twilight can't take over. Perry is going to help as well"

"I'm dead" I mumble, burying my face back in my pillow

"We'll be there" Raina says, trying to encourage me

"Then you do the training" I mumble to her

"This is what you wanted baby" Amber chuckles as she kisses between my shoulder blades. I love feeling her naked body against mine, it's calming

"I know" I groan "But now I'm scared"

"It won't be as bad as you think" Raina smiles "With the help of everyone, you'll be a total badass"

"I guess"

"How's your face?" Amber mumbles out while now kissing my back, giving me goosebubbles

"My face tingles but doesn't hurt" I answer "It's my missing ear that's weird"

"How so?" Amber asks

"I know it's not there. I can touch it, hear perfectly fine from it, and all I feel physically is scars, and a lump....but....my lobe itches, even though it's missing. The cartilage of the shell gets sharp pains but....I have no cartilage left. It's so weird"

"It's called 'Phantom Pain' It's more commonly known in missing limbs, or 'Phantom Limb' syndrome" Raina answers. I look at her absolutely impressed. She looks at me and smiles "I liked reading medical books. Growing up I had a weird fascination about how our human bodies worked"

"That's really cool" I tell her "So the pain and itch is just a phantom thingy"

"The pain and itch is real" She informs me "It's your brains miscommunication to the nervous system"

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