Maidens Canyon

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(3rd Person POV)

Today was the day everybody left for the raid. They left early this morning and once again, poor Jayden asked if she could go. The collective 'No!' Deflated her ego a bit more than last time

All she wanted was to do her part, to stand side by side with those willing to sacrifice their lives for her, was that too much to ask?

High Priestess Magnola was off doing Priestess things and Edwin took Athena for a walk around the area, which left the three mates home alone

As Jayden sulked in bed, her mates sat beside her and did their best to cheer her up "Come on baby" Amber sighs "You know you're not ready for anything like this"

"I would be if people stopped treating me like a Fabergé egg" She pouts "How am I supposed to be a good Queen and protect my kingdom if no one let's me fight?"

"You'll be a wonderful Queen" Raina whispers and kisses her mate on the forehead "Being a Queen isn't about who's better in a fight, it's about making the right decisions that result in anything but a fight"

"Well....I want to be able to fight as well" Jayden sulks even more

"And you will" Amber smiles and leans into Rainas hold and puts a hand on Jayden's thigh "When your parents come back, they said they'll teach you to fight. I may not have known them as long as you, but I do know they've never lied to you"

"Still not fair" Jayden huffed

On the other side of the country, the soldiers, clans, packs, warriors and tribes, ran side by side at full pelt

The 5 Queens lead the way with the Silver Queen in front. Everybody was keyed up and ready for the fight

Sacrow stayed as close to his mate as possible. They both knew they weren't going to make it out alive and they both acknowledged that what was to come, needed to happen in order to protect their family

Sacrow knew once his betrayal came to light, he would be the first death

Morgus Hanson and Sacrow spent all night last night making love and talking about their future plans. They knew it wouldn't come into fruition, but talking about it made it seem possible, even just for a moment

Morgus wanted to have a little cottage in the middle of the countryside. A white picket fence and enough land to rescue farm animals. He'd always been an animal lover and wanted to save as many as he could

They both wanted at least 3 kids, one of them being a little girl. Morgus wanted to adopt and give these children a life he wished he'd had

Sacrow wanted to grow old with his mate and watch his grandkids grow

If he had a choice, he would've spent the rest of his natural life making amends to all the evil him and his family had done in the world, but that wasn't going to happen. Not now. Not ever

Gerado stayed at the back with his team. They'd fought many times against many foes, but this was on a completely different scale

His vigilante group, as well as himself, had yet to find their mates. They were basically human but a little stronger, a little faster, a little better

All knew their job

Protect the back and don't let anybody live

It was a simple tactic, one he would proudly execute

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