My first born

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(Jayden POV)

It was a busy day today, my parents had already had their coronation, and were now moving into their new home

It was bitter-sweet really

The castle was my birthplace and yet, I had no memory of it. Walking through the halls of portraits of rulers gone by, I stopped at a painting of my biological parents

They looked so regal, so strong and yet, so in love with each other

I wished I could remember them

Gran tells me a lot about them though, so does my uncle. It's nice, but sad

Walking upstairs, I came across my baby room. Mum, Ma and Grandma were all inside looking at the crib I once was in

"It's so beautiful" Mum gushed "You think Silver Pup will let us use it?"

"It's tradition my dear" Grandma smiled "Every heir since the first of the kingdom has laid in it" Then she started looking at the jewels that ordained the crib, running her finger over a particular Ruby "Every mother of every heir has placed a gem on the crib, you must too" She stated, looking at Mum "The gem represents the new line, so it's very important for you to continue that tradition"

"But this is where Silver Pups parents died, maybe we should choose another room" Ma sighed sadly. It was now I decided to step in, before everybody got too melancholy

"I agree with Grandma" I said, walking into the room. It did give me chills just thinking about what happened here, but that was the past, it was time for the future "It's tradition, and I would love Jayden junior to have this room"

Ma chuckled and shook her head "We're not naming her Jayden junior"

"Come on!" I groaned childishly "It's an awesome name"

"Why don't you name your kid that then?" Mum quirked

"I tried" I sighed with a huff "My mates said no" I really did try. I made a PowerPoint presentation and everything, they just laughed "So I thought I'd try my luck on my most beautiful, amazing, kind, sweet and devoted parents"

"No" Mum responded

"You know what" I pouted, sticking out my bottom lip "I take it all back, you're not kind at all"

"Go get the rest of the boxes from the moving truck" Mum ordered

"I thought you hired movers?" I frowned "Aren't they supposed to do that?"

"One of the movers ended up in the dungeon with my pots and pans, so I don't trust them" Mum frowned

"So you trust me with your pots and pans but not enough to name my sister?" I raised an accusatory eyebrow at her

"Yes! Now move" She growled as she pushed me out of the room

I groaned but did as was told, and found myself outside with one of the many trucks. The moving guys were working on unloading the big furniture, as I sneaked in and grabbed a box labelled bedroom

As I was walking back into the castle, I noticed a lot of people gathered around the front gate. I guess they were hoping to catch a glimpse of their new Queens

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