I'm sorry

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"RUN JAYDEN!" Raina screams at me

"NO! I'M NOT LEAVING YOU!" I scream back, dodging bullets flying at me as Raina and I hide behind a car

"YOU HAVE NO CHOICE!" She grabs the back of my head and kisses me harshly "I'LL FIND YOU! I PROMISE! GET TO THE TEMPLE! TWILIGHT WILL KNOW THE WAY! DON'T STOP FOR ANYTHING!" She pushes me away before getting up and running to Amber, who's covered in blood and hasn't moved for 10 minutes

I look around at the chaos before me It was never meant to be like this

'Jayden! We must go' Twilight says in a panic 'We're no good to anybody if we're dead'

'I-I can't Twilight' As I look at Raina trying to wake up Amber by pounding on her chest 'They need me' I go to run to my mates but Twilight stops me

'I'm sorry Jayden, but I can't let you' Twilight whimpers before taking over my body and making us run the other way

'NO! TAKE BE BACK! TWILIGHT! TAKE ME BACK TO THEM!' I scream, trying to take control again

'I'm sorry Jayden' She whimpers again before running as fast as we can on 2 feet 'I'm so very sorry'

'This is all my fault' I sob in defeat as I retreat to the dark recesses of my mind 'This is all my fault' I feel broken 'I'm sorry'

4 hour earlier:

We've been on the road for a day and a half and I'm done. My parents won't let me have any alone time with my mates and it's pissing me off. They keep cock-blocking me every chance they get and they're loving it. I think they see it as a form of entertainment and I'm. Fucking. Done. They even removed the door off our bedroom, I mean....who fucking does that?! I can tell that Raina and Amber are getting abit annoyed by it as well, so I've come up with a plan

I groan and growl as I try to get comfortable in my chair "Jayden? Do you have ants in ya pants?" Mum giggles

"No" I growl "We need to stop. I need to feel solid earth beneath my feet"

"We stopped no so long ago" She replied

"No. I mean stop stop. Find a hotel or something. We only stop for 10 minutes max and I need longer, even if it's only for a couple of hours" I groan

"That's not safe babygirl" Ma chimes in "Not yet"

"For an hour than" I get on my knees and beg to them "Pleeeeeease"

"Jayden. You know we can't. They could catch up to us" Mum frowns

"If it gets too dangerous, we can all run back into the trucks and fire up the guns but I need a break"

'Goddess you sound like a whiney brat' Twilight groans

'Shut up' I growl at her 'Do you want to have sex or not?'

'Cry as well. They could never resist your tears'

'I don't know how to cry on command'


'Can't you be nice?' I growl at her

'Psshh, boring'

"I don't know pup" Mum sighs

"Why is Jayden on her knees?" Linza asks as she walks over to us "A Queen never kneels"

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