Meeting the neighbourhood

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(Jayden POV)

I can still hear them cackling in the bedroom "It's not funny!" I growled as I wash my face in the shower for the hundredth time

My mates thought it would be funny to chase me in the market with the threat of giving me a wedgie. Needless to say, I tripped on a lose cobblestone and fell face first into a cow pat. It got in my mouth and everything, I even swallowed, so now I have cow shit breath

When we came back to the hut, my parents, High Priestess Magnola and her husband, laughed their ass off at my matted shit hair and brown face

'I can't believe you swallowed!' Twilight laughs hysterically 'Oh my Goddess! This is the best day of my life!'

"Go suck some sweaty balls" I snap at her, washing my mouth out again

'They'd taste better than cow shit!' She laughs 'And that poor kid! You vomited all over him!'

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" I groan angrily

'It was like your mouth was a torpedo launcher!'

"I hate you so much right now" I grab the second bottle of mouthwash, thankful that it's alcohol free, and skull it

'The funniest part!...." She laughs gasping 'Was the fact you had to walk through the market covered in shit and vomit!'

"I want to die" I whimper, finishing off the bottle

'Oh it's not that bad' She giggles, calming down a bit 'The photos people took are going to be awesome though'

"Fuck my life" I groan and wash my mouth out again

After scrubbing my face and hair for the thousand time again, I finally get out of the shower and dry myself off. I get dressed in some simple shorts and a shirt, walking out to my cackling mates

"Oh baby" Amber laughs "Are you okay?"

"Go fuck a cactus" I growl at her

"Don't be like that baby" Raina snorts

"And you can join her" I sneer. They both start cracking up again which in turn, has me storming out of the bedroom

"Comeback baby!" Raina calls out, only to choke on a laugh

I walk into the living room and my Mum comes to hug me "You have to be the clumsiest person I know" She chuckles

"Blame my mates" I sulk "If they hadn't of chased me, I wouldn't have tripped"

"I have to agree" Ma says "Wedgies do hurt"

"Atleast you smell better" Mum quirks

"I hate you all" I groan, getting out of my Mums hold and sitting next to Ma "Are you sure I can't come tomorrow?"

"Sweetheart" High Priestess Magnola sighs "Your safety is above all others. If you went tomorrow, you'd be their main target"

"But what is the point of having all of this power and being a total badass if a can't be there" I pout "It's like being a mathematician genius but teaching English, it don't make sense"

"The three Queens are going and they need their heirs to survive" Ma says softly

"But then, why are you two going?" I ask her "You're both the Queens of the Love Kingdom, with no heir" I point out

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