Stupid bananas!

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(Jayden POV)

I woke up with a smile on my face, I'm sure it never left since last night. Oh my goddess! Last night was incredible. I'm literally still tingling from the experience. The sounds, the feelings, the emotions, all of it felt like nothing I've ever felt before

'Because you were a virgin silly' A female voice giggles

I sit up fast and look around the room "Who was that?" There's no one there, not even my mates

'Allow me to formally introduce myself. My name is Twilight. And please do not mention the movie franchise, I had the name first and it makes me depressed. I am your wolf' The voice sounds in my head

"Um....Okay. I thought you'd be male" I comment

'Why would you think that?"

"Um....cause....well...." I can't even say it

'You are a female, no matter the condition you have so a female gets a female wolf'

"Uh huh" What do I say now?

'You could try asking me a few questions if you'd like....I don't bite' I hear her laughing and I just roll my eyes

"Soooo...." I trail off, not sure of what to ask "I-I heard that wolves are old souls that linger until they find their perfect match"

'That is true'

"How old are you?"

'Didn't anyone tell you to never ask a lady her age?'

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I squeak trying to retract my question "I didn't mean to be so rude" Then I hear her snickering and I roll my eyes again

'Mum said to never roll your eyes or they'll be stuck like that' She scolds

"How long have you been conscious?"

'Since your conception. I watched from the darkest part of your soul until I knew you were ready'

"So you know what I've been through?" I sigh

'Yes sweetheart. I'm so sorry I couldn't help you. If I had shown myself to soon, it would've sent you insane. You needed your mates to make it safe, and I must say....hubba hubba on that front" I can feel her smirking and it makes me smirk 'Besides, today at school, we're going to show that fucker who he's been dealing with'

"I'm not sure about that" I groan in frustration "He's so much stronger then me"

'Look down you idiot'


'Just do it'

I look down and scream. My body....My small, weak body is no more. I have muscles, so many. I have muscle that have given birth to muscles Holy shit! My feet are hanging of the end of the bed and sticking out from the bottom of the blanket. My hands, I examine them and they're no longer, tiny. Thank goddess they aren't to big. My long fingers stretch from larger palm then before I could be a hand model

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