Hard situation

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(Jayden POV)

As soon as we arrive home, I jump out of the car still covering myself and race inside hearing my Mum laughing hysterically. I run past a very confused Ma and rush upstairs to my bedroom and lock my door. Throwing my bag on the ground, I quickly strip myself of my confined restraints of clothing, that are literally choking my erect member. Once springing free, my penis stands upright to attention, pulsing and very sensitive

I sit on my bed staring at it, wondering What the fuck?! I've never had a random erection before. The closest I've ever gotten was morning wood but that went away the moment I realised it. But this....this is happening for another reason....Raina and Amber

Just thinking of them makes my heart quicken They can't be my mates cause I don't feel the mate bond....just attraction. Very, very strong attraction The mate bond feels like the other person is an extension of you. When they're not close, you feel a heavy weight in your chest. The need to be near them is overwhelming and nothing can stop you from being by their side, not even certain death

My hand subconsciously grips my shaft and I moan, bucking my hips. The feeling is so pleasurable. I've never masturbated before because I wanted to save myself. I thought if my mate didn't reject me, she'd be my first in everything. I look down at my stroking hand and reluctantly stop No! I must save it for her I quickly stand up and awkwardly walk to my bathroom. I turn on my shower and step in under the cold water. The moment it hits my skin, I gasp and shiver. It doesn't take long for it to have the desired affect. My penis is now limp and hanging like normal. I let out a sigh of relief and get out of the shower. While drying, the vision of a naked Amber and Raina come to my mind and I look down to my erection again Son of a bitch!!

5 fucking cold showers later, I finally have success. I've been out of the shower, dried and dressed for 27 minutes and no erection. Thinking of Albert really helps. I got a bit of a headache but it's not so bad. I feel confident enough to go downstairs now, besides, I'm kinda peckish

Exiting my room, I can hear Mum and Ma doing things in the kitchen and chatting

"There she is" Ma smiles at me before giving me a big hug

"Hi Ma" I say laughing into her chest. To others, this would be weird, but to me, it's normal

"How was school Silver Pup?" She asks still holding me tightly

"It was awesome! I made more friends" I cheer with glee

Ma steps back and has the biggest grin "I'm so happy baby girl. It's about time good things happened for you"

"Did you ladies get a call from the Principal?" I ask

Ma nods "Albert finally got what he deserved. I'm glad, although, I would've killed him myself" She says

"No honey, not today" Mum whispers in her ear and kisses her on the cheek, before pulling me into another hug. My parents are really in a hugging mood today "But I am glad things are getting better for you baby girl" Mum lifts me slightly off my feet and spins me around, making me giggle. When she puts me down, she makes me look at her serious face "So who were those girls you bumped into?" I knew she was going to ask me that

"Um....th-they were Raina a-and Amber" I mutter

"Who baby girl?" Ma asked while snickering

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