What's the plan?

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(Raina POV)

I carried Jayden to the waiting SUV outside the school entrance. She looked so peaceful and it made my heart break 'If it's not one thing....it's another' Winter sighed

'We have the best army in the world' I tell her 'We'll protect her'

'We better!' She growls 'I can't lose her, not now. We lost her once....never again'

'I know Winter....I know' I lay her in the back seat with her head in Ambers lap. Looking at my other mate, I can tell she's trying to hold back the tears. Her bubbly, happy personality is missing and what's left is worry

She looks at me and I do my best to smile back "It'll be okay baby" I say "We'll protect her" She only responds with a nod and starts stroking Jaydens hair. I get in the car and lay Jaydens legs over mine. Perry and Barker get in the front and I nod to Barker to drive. He nods back and accelerates

The others left in the group are behind us and in front of us in their own vehicles. We drive quickly, trying to get out of the open. Barker doesn't follow the road rules, driving through red lights, not stopping at stop signs, speeding. Anything to get Jayden to safety

Jayden stirs when we turn a sharp corner but Amber whispers sweet words into her ear to calm her down

The whole drive to Loves house took less than 18 minutes, instead of the usual 40

Upon arriving, there are SUVs and royal guards everywhere. Neighbors are looking out their windows wondering what's going on. I look at Amber and she looks as confused as I do

Barker parks the car in the driveway and Amber and I delicately pull Jayden out of the vehicle. Siobhan comes running out and instantly takes Jayden in her arms. Usually, that would piss me off, but I understand her wanting Jayden close. We follow her into the crowded house and watch her walk upstairs with her wife and our mate securely in her arms, only to be welcomed by my mother's

"Hello darling" Ma greets

"What are you doing here?" I growl

"Oh hello Ma....I love you Raina....I love you too Ma....Glad to see you looking well....Why thank you Ma and you as well...."

"Okay! Alright!" I take a deep breath to calm myself "Sorry Ma" She gives me a big smile and rushes over to hug me and Amber

"I'm so sorry you have to go through all of this sweetie" She whispers in my ear "And I know you didn't want us here but we had already arrived when we got the call from Perry"

"Why are you here so early?" I ask. She pulls away and smiles

"Surprise!" She chuckles and I roll my eyes

"We were planning on surprising you both darling" Mama chuckles, while she pushes Ma out the way and hugs Amber and I

"And it was your Mas idea" Mum giggles while she hugs us as well. She locks a piece of her Golden hair behind her ear. It's a tick she had, a sign that things are bad

"What are we going to do?" I sigh

"We're going to protect the future of all supernatural beings" Ma says matter of fact "We have no choice"

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