She lives

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(Jayden POV)

I was woken this morning by soft kisses on my face and purring. Smiling, I opened my eyes to find Raina smirking back at me "Good morning baby"

"Good morn-" I cut myself off with a moan as I feel someone pump my dick. I lift the covers up and see Amber between my legs "Well hello" I smirk

"Oh good, you're awake" She lets me go and shuffles back up the bed

"Uh....aren't you going to finish?" I frown

"We just wanted you to wake up" She shrugs

I look down at me erection, twitching and pulsing "Yeah but....I'm up up" I groan

"And we're hungry" Raina pouts in the cutest way "Can you go get us some food?"

"Seriously?" I whine "You got me hard just to get breakfast?"

"No" Amber giggles "We woke you up to get breakfast, you got hard yourself"

'Our mates are the spawns of satan' Twilight growls

"Please baby" Raina coos while cupping my breasts and pinching my nipples

"Oh goddess-hey!" I slap her hand away "Stop that!"

"So are you going to get us breakfast?" Amber asks with puppy eyes

'Scratch that, they are satan'

"Fine" I growl, getting out of bed. I walk to the bathroom and thankfully, my erection softens by the time I'm standing over the toilet. Doing my business, I wash my hands and finally get a look at my neck. The first time I had sex with my mates, they marked me, but this time....this time it felt so much different. It felt like a whole new connection between the 3 of us opened up and it feels incredible

I can feel their emotions for me, the love and adoration mixed in with a little bit of lust. I feel lighter, more myself than I've ever been

I hear a knock at the door and Amber yell out to me "Can you get that baby?" I roll my eyes and walk back into the bedroom, seeing my mates snuggling under the covers

"Something wrong with your legs?" I ask

"Yep. You fucked out the ability to walk" Raina smirks as I turn away heat rising on my face like a forest fire

Ignoring the sniggering, I pull on a pair of boxers and a shirt, walk to the door and open it. Standing on the other side are my parents

Being the strong, fearless, blessid child, adult I am, I slam the door in their faces, run back to the bed, jump under the covers and hide behind my mates

'Coward' Twilight scoffs

I hear the door being opened and I bury myself more into the bedding. It's silent....too silent. I don't dare to look though, I know it's a trap, I've seen too many horror movies to fall for that trick

"Jayden" I hear my Mum's calm voice say....a little too calm "Jayden, get out of the bed" I stay silent "Jayden, I won't ask again" Still silent "Jayden Love! I swear if you don't get out of the bed, I'm coming in there to get you!"

I threw the covers off me and sat up. My mates were snickering as I pouted and crossed my arms. I didn't dare look at either of them, resulting instead, looking at my sheet covered feet "Jayden! Do you have any idea how worried we were?!" Ma screeched "Any idea at all?!"

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