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(Jayden POV)

"Jayden! Hurry up!" Mum calls out from downstairs. The only thing that wasn't damaged in the attack was my room, so I'm currently in it, packing for our trip to the Temple

After Mrs Kluvich told us about the cults new plans. She didn't divulge how she got the information, just that it was true

Not taking any chances, the Silver Queen dispatched her entire army to patrol streets and check up on Lycans from every denomination

The guardians called to their leaders and had dozens of Dragon shifters join our convoy for an apparent air assault and Perry called in and got us new transportation vehicles. They're armoured plated trucks with special no flat wheels and a section for me to hide in if worse comes to worst

It took a couple of days for everything and everyone to arrive, but it did this morning

Raina and Amber have been more physical with me lately, always touching or kissing me much to Twilights joy.....and mine. We haven't had sexy-time yet and I haven't marked them cause I had to share a room with my parents these last few days and it would've been awkward. The mate bond is doing my head in though. I can't stay more than 5 minutes away from either of them. My chest feels heavy and I can barely breath if I can't see them. When their in the shower or going to the toilet, I have to wait outside the door just to be close to them

I can feel where they are in the house and the whole time, I have to fight Twilight for control because she fights me to go to them. I try not to be one of those clingy mates but fuck, it's so hard not to be

Amber says it'll get easier, with time but she admits even she has trouble sometimes. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Raina looks like she has it under control, but I do see her inch towards Amber and I When we are in the same room

Another thing about my mates that I found out, was they dyed their hair. They washed it out and Ambers hair is this beautiful golden color and Raina is pure white, not even a hairdresser could get them looking that pure. I think their natural hair color makes them absolutely breathtaking

What doesn't help is they would whisper things in my ears completely inappropriate for others to hear and it makes me hard....Every freaking time. I thought that once we had sex I would've calmed down a bit, but that definitely is not the case

Currently, I'm thinking of a naked granny cause Raina decided to whisper in my ear that she can't wait to swallow me again. The erection is killing me. I couldn't bring myself to think of a hurt animal like Barker proposed cause that just made me angry.

Speaking of Barker, he apologised for growling at me but I just waved his apology aside. There was no need to say sorry for protecting his dying mate. If I was in the same position, I probably would've killed who ever came too close to Amber or Raina

When I found out Mum and Ma are now Queens of the MacQuoid kingdom, I laughed my ass off....until they both clipped me around the ears. They've both ever only wanted a quiet life with no drama or stress and not a lot of responsibility....That's not going to happen now

The thought of having a sister has me excited though. Someone to look over and protect while at the same time, annoy the crap out of. Scaring away boys and/or girls so she saves herself for her mate or mates. Telling her the story about how Mum and Ma had a disco night and how Ma got knocked out when the disco ball they hung up, fell on her head. Or the time when Mum was in a hurry one morning to drive 5yr old me to school, only to realise once she got to the school, she left me at home and when she got back home, she found me with my head stuck in the cookie jar, half naked. It took 40 minutes and a lot of butter, lard and cooking oil to get me out I think I'll leave that last bit out So many things I can teach her, the strongest lesson is to teach her empathy, hope, love and kindness, no matter the situation or how you're treated

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