Total Exposure

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(Jayden POV)

I was so exhausted when we got home that, after helping bringing in the bags, I collapsed on the couch face down....I hate shopping After my parents buying more clothes then I can deal with, they finely said it was time to go

I asked the Grace, Olivia and Ava where Barker and Perry went before Noah took them home and they said the boys wanted to be alone. I didn't mind but I was bummed they didn't at least say goodbye

A few things have me wondering about my new friends, especially my female friends. First....they caught a lift back in Mum's car....How'd They get to the shopping centre without a car and how did Barker and Perry leave without taking the car? Second....No matter where I was in the store, Noah, Grace and Olivia were always close by, keeping an eye on me. When someone walked past me, they got closer watching the stranger. Third....I caught a glimpse of a gold knife attached to Graces hip. Who the fuck needs to carry that? It looked sharp and very dangerous. Forth....I would catch Ava talking to herself a lot. It was like she was having a conversation with someone in her ear. She spoke too quietly for me to hear but at one stage, I saw everyone tense up looking at her before she nodded and they went back to normal Those super senses again! I can't wait until I get them On that that note I HAVE MATES!!! I can't believe it and they didn't reject me! I can't wipe the smile off my face just thinking about them

They are so beautiful, so perfect. My heart leaps to know they want me even though I can't wait to feel the mate bond. Mum and Ma would tell me stories all the time about how they felt when they saw each other. Mum said she thought Ma was bullheaded and Ma said that Mum was stubborn, but they couldn't deny the bond they felt for each other and one night, when it was Mum's 16th birthday, Ma literally showered her in rose petals. I thought it was so romantic. Ma used to watch Mum from a distance Which I thought was kinda creepy And knew, at a certain time, Mum would sit under a special tree and read her favourite book. Ma sat, hidden in the tree, waited for Mum to sit and started to gently drop petals on her. Mum looked up, smiled with tears in her eyes and once Ma was on the ground....Well....let's just say, they wouldn't go into details of what happened next but you can guess

I always wanted that, the romance, the bond, the undeniable feeling of wanting and want. I always wanted my soul mate and I have it in 2 beautiful women

"Jayden, come and help me and the girls" Mum calls from the kitchen

"Coming" I slowly stand up and stretch. When I reach the kitchen, Raina, Amber and Mum are laughing at something while peeling vegetables, chopping them up and Mum is seering chicken pieces in a pan "I thought we already had dinner?" I ask, looking at the chaos before me. Mum was never a clean cook

"We did but with all the energy we used after, I'm sure we're all hungry" Mum says And right on cue, my stomachs rumbles Well that's embarrassing Amber giggles along with Raina and I facepalm myself I just can't do anything right today "And you just made my point baby girl" Mum laughs

"Yeah" I sigh "What's for our second dinner Mum?"

"Garlic lemon herb Mediterranean chicken and potatoes"

"That sounds so good" I moan

"The girls are helping and so are you"

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