Silver Spear

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(Jayden POV)

Mum didn't lie about getting ice cream, but I can tell she's still pissed off. She keeps muttering incoherently to herself and she's broken 3 plastic spoons

"Mum?" I call out to her. She looks up with watery eyes

"I can't believe how your teachers treat you baby girl" She sobs "I thought the students were bad enough but to have people in such profession treat you so poorly is disgusting"

"It's okay Mum" I try to reassure her "Just a few more months and I'll never see them again. Besides....most of them will only ever be known for their high school years. They'll become nothing once they graduate"

"Except that fucker Albert" She growls

"He'll get his Mum" I grin "We just have to be patient"

"I can't bare the thought of you being bullied to such an extent. I'm supposed to protect you not lead to the wolfs den"

"Meh" I shrug my shoulders "I'll be right. At least I heal quick"

"That's not the point"

"I know Mum. But I'm going to be okay" I hold her hand and gently squeeze it "I promise"

"Maybe....Maybe home schooling would be better?" She asks herself

"No thanks" I smile at her

"Why?" She looks at me with a frown "It'll be safer for you"

"I know, but, I just met Barker and Perry and I have a good feeling about them both. Besides, it'll make me look weak if I left"

"Baby girl!" Mum growls "You are not weak. You are the strongest woman I've ever met, anyone who can endure what you've been through would crumble in a keep going with your head held high" She gives me her motherly smile "I want to be just like you when I grow up"

"Thanks Mum" I chuckle

We finally eat our ice cream in comfortable silence, my Mum calming down somewhat. It's been a long emotional day and I think we both need a little lay down when we get home

"Baby girl?"

"Yes Mum?" I look up to see her looking over my shoulder

"Do you know those people?" I turn behind me and there are 3 men staring intently at me. All of them look menacing, my body screams threat. Even though I'm looking at them, they don't look away, they just stare. All of them are in immaculate black suits with a silver tie. Their hair is greased back and they have a scar under their right eye

"No I don't" I gulp

Mum grabs my hand "Time to go" She says quietly "Roisin is telling me we need to get away from them" Roisin is Mum's wolf. If she senses danger, then we really need to leave. Mum puts her arm around my waist and holds me closely "Don't leave my side" She whispers in my ear. I give her a nod and we walk out of the shop "Follow my lead" I give another nod and we walk down the street, away from the car "Let's visit Mrs Berry" What? Why? She hates us more then she hates her kids and husband? All I do is nod and smile, still unsure of why we're going into the bitches lair

Mum doesn't let go of me as we walk into Berry General store. The moment we enter, we hear a growl. I look at Mum worridly, but she just smiles. The door we entered in opens and I hear 3 sets of very distinctive heavy footsteps follow Shit! Shit! Shit! Mum guides me around to the back of the store and suddenly pulls me through an open doorway. She shuts the door and grabs my hand. I let her pull me outside into the back alleyway and out onto the street

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