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(Jayden POV)

The wolf, who has been my constant companion, is getting younger. I have no idea why. The strong, tall, powerful beast is now a puppy....the cutest puppy, but a puppy none-the-less. It keeps nipping at me and barking, but I can't understand what it wants "Remember child" The voice says softly

I look up and see the 6yr old me, in bed with Mum reading me a story "And the wolf saved her entire pack from being hurt. When her mate ran to her, she changed into a human and hugged her wife and they lived happily ever after"

"Wow Mummy. Will I be dat cool?" My younger self asks

"You'll be even better silver pup. Because I think, you are going to be very important to us all in the future" Mum smiles

"But nobody likes me Mummy and I don't know what I did" 6yr old me pouts

"You didn't do anything silver pup" Mum pulls the child onto her lap and kisses her forehead "People are always afraid of something different. Do you remember when Ma had to work for a whole week and was not able to come home?" Child me nods "That was because a group of people were going around saying terrible things about others who were a different colour to them. There was so much hate that people got hurt"


"Because they were different"

"But dat stupid Mummy. No one can help being different"

"I know baby girl, but people come up with the idea that it's wrong and they convince others the same. No one actually thinks for themselves nowadays" Mum sighs

"Do you think I'll find a friend at our new home?"

"Maybe sweetheart. We'll never know until we get there"

"I hope so" The child me giggles "I hope she awesome, like me" I puff out my chest making Mum laugh

"No one is as awesome as you munchkin" Mum smirks while tickling the child "But I hope so"

"Mummy stop it!" I giggle along with the younger me

The scene changes again "Remember child"

I sighed when I saw the scene in front of me 'Not this. Anything but this' I sigh again and watch

I had just come home after my first day of High school and it was hell. I got so beat up, my face was already sporting some bruises. I stormed into the kitchen and grabbed the carving knife. I stormed upstairs still hearing the horrible things those kids were screaming at me. I went into my room, slammed the door shut, ran into my bathroom and locked the door. I stripped out of all my clothes and stared at the naked reflection. I had bruising on my stomach and around my ribs, but most of it was on my thighs and member

I collapsed to my knees and cried like I've never cried before

Watching 12yr old me breakdown just broke my heart. It was always hard for me growing up, but I never lost my kindness or hope, sometimes though, you just want to give up. That day I did

There was a knock at the door and 12yr old me stood up "Honey? Are you home?" Ma calls out from the bedroom door. I said nothing "Silver Pup? You here?" Still stayed silent

I watched myself grab the knife and take one more look into the mirror. With a nod, I stretch out my member, holding the sharp end of the blade at the base and start slicing. At first I didn't feel anything, it wasn't until the 5th cut that I screamed

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