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(Jayden POV)

I wake up with a groan, my body feeling better but my head feels heavy and groggy. The midnight rose always has the worst side effects

I notice it's still dark outside but a light shines in under my door. I slowly sit up, ignoring the protest from my head and stretch. Goddess knows how long I've been asleep. I lift my legs out of the bed and plant my feet firmly on the cold wood floor. Steadying myself, I hompf myself upright to a standing position, only swaying slightly. Once balanced, I make my way out of my room, only to hear shouting

"I'm calling the Alpha about his fucking shit of a son!" That's definitely my Ma's voice

I quickly hide in a corner, shadowed in darkness

"Honey" Mum says calmly "You know she wouldn't want you too"

"I don't care!" Ma shouts again "Our baby girl can't keep going through this! He has no right to do this! I don't give a shit who he is!"

"I know honey, but what will it archieve? We've told them before but they never go as far as grounding him. He knows he can get away with it, thats why he does it"

"We should've joined a pack!"

"And what pack would've excepted her?" Mum growls in frustration

"There's nothing wrong with her!" Ma growls back "She's perfect!"

"I know honey, but others don't see what we see. She is perfect and we are so blessed to call her our daughter, but I will not have her subjected to more abuse just cause she looks different. She's our baby girl and all we can do is protect her the best we can until we can afford to move again"

"I suppose" Ma sighs in defeat "But if it happens again, there's no holding me back"

"Yes dear" Mum chuckles "Now if our daughter has finished eavesdropping, maybe she can come and eat" Damn werewolves and their stupid super senses

I come out of my hiding corner into the light "Evenin' all" I put on my best English accent "Quite chippa' this evenin' I say what"

Mum chuckles, kissing me on the forehead and goes into the kitchen while Ma comes over to me and pulls me into a hug

"Ma, I'm okay"

"I know baby girl. Just let me hold you for a while" She softly whispers. I resign to her actions and hold her back "I love you Jayden"

"I love you too Ma" I smile. I may be turning 18 soon, but my parents hugs are the best. After days at school, it's definitely what I need sometimes

"Hey!" I hear my Mum's voice "I want in on that action as well" I feel another body sandwich me in a group hug and I feel so much better. In my parents embrace, I feel loved and safe. The guilt of them having to leave their lives behind to raise me, temporarily forgotten as 3 heartbeats beat as one. My life may not be perfect, but it's perfect for me

After a few minutes, we hear the oven timer ding "Dinners ready ladies" My Mum cheers. We all untangle ourselves and walk to the kitchen

"What's on the menu my love?" Ma asks

"Spicy apricot glazed chicken, and a crunchy salad"

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