End of the road

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(Jayden POV)

The first thing I notice when I open my door is the bright light There is no wall? The entire front half of the house is gone! As I'm about to walk out of the room, I have to duck back as a guy goes flying past me

'Well that was an entrance or exit' Twilight laughs

When I try again, a tall pale man is standing at the top of the stairs 'Friend or foe Twilight? Friend or Foe?'

'I have no idea' I get into a defensive stance but when the man sees me, his eyes go wide and a smile appears on his lips. His fangs show proudly before he bows

"A pleasure to meet you blessid one, my name is Antonio. If you'll excuse me, there is someone in need of my attention" He speeds past me after the guy whose theme song is 'I'm learning to fly" by Tom Petty

I run to the top of the stairs and see nothing but blood and carnage. Limbs are sprayed out all over the floor and walls. Growls and hisses can be heard as bodies collide along with snapping jaws and scratching claws. I look at the fighting to see 2 white wolves, 2 gold wolves and a silver wolf They must be the queens and my mates They're working together, taking out each enemy with perfectly orchestrated teamwork. I keep looking until I see my parents, both are in wolf form, but Mum is on the ground panting while Ma stands above her, protecting her


'I see Jayden' 4 wolfs are stalking towards Ma with the intent to kill

'You know what I'm about to ask'


'Are you ready?'

'Fuck no!' She squeals 'You know how much it's going to hurt'

'It's our family!'

'I know. I just hope you're ready?'

'Fuck no!'

'That's what I thought' Twilight chuckles

'The floor is yours madam Twilight'


I instantly fall to my knees as my body starts to jerk. I hear muffled sounds of my name being called, but I ignore it, concentrating on my first shift. As cracking and breaking bones sound, the pain almost renders me unconscious

'Stay with me Jayden. We're almost there' I watch as my hands grow into claws and the fur starts to grow rapidly. Blood pours from my mouth as my canines start growing 'Just a little bit more' Twilight strains as the pain gets to her as well

My body feels to heavy to hold me up so I collapse flat on the floor 'Please hurry Twilight. Please'

'Almost Jayden....almost' I close my eyes and think of my mates. Their smile, their laughs. The way their eyes twinkle when they're up to no good. I think of my parents and of all the sacrifices both my biological and current parents have given in order for me to live. I think of my friendships that have been made to keep me safe but also, to give me another type of love, then I feel nothing

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