It's time

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(Jayden POV)

It's been a week of training, and I think I'm getting the hang of it. I haven't turned full Lycan again, which I'm grateful for, but today, Linza wants me too

I'm absolutely petrified

I'm scared I'm going to hurt Amber again, or even Raina. What happens if I hurt my parents? That thought alone gives me stress hives

I was in the shower, bent over and shaving my legs, when someone poked my balls from behind. In shock and panic, I slipped on the shower floor and fell "Ow" I groan after I knocked my head on the tap

"Oh baby" Amber cackled "I'm so sorry" She was bent over, laughing so much she ended up coughing her lungs out

I gave her the stink eye and stood back up "That was not funny"

"Yes it was" She laughs harder

"I hate you" I pout and feel my head where I bumped it and can feel a lump "Well this is just great, I probably have a concussion now, definitely bleeding on the brain, so sad, no training"

"Yes you are" Amber frowns, no longer laughing "Why don't you want to train baby? You've been doing amazingly this past week. You almost look like you've been training your whole life. It's very 80s montage"

I turn off the shower with a sigh and grab the towel my mate is holding out for me "Our mother-in-law wants me to go full Lycan" I huffed and start drying myself, not looking at Amber

"Oh" She breathes

"Yeah" Once dry, I step out of the shower and grab my boxers, sliding them up my legs

"It won't be that bad babe" Amber says, trying to encourage me

"I bit you" I state firmly "I bit my fucking mate. That's the worst thing that could ever happen and it did"

"But I'm fine"

"You now have a permanent bite scar on your arm, I did that" I sigh, not looking at her "Everytime I look at you, I see the blood and wound I caused, the sound of you screaming rings in my ears. I feel so much guilt it aches in my chest. You're not meant to hurt your mate, your not meant to cause them scars, and yet I did" I finally look at her and she smiles at me sadly "What if I hurt you again, or Raina, or my parents and friends....Fuck! I almost killed Edwin. I know the Priestess are tough, but I could do some serious damage on them" I put on my bra and slide on my shorts "I could potentially kill any of you" As I reach for my shirt, Amber walks towards me and wraps her arms around my torso. I drop my shirt and hold her close "I'm so scared of hurting the people I love most" I whimper. She rests her head in the crook of my neck and I almost start crying "I'm so scared"

"I know baby" She whispers softly "I know you're scared, but I'm sure they have all the bases checked. We weren't ready before, but we are now. No one's gonna get hurt, and if they do, we'll heal, no one will blame you. You are amazing, perfect, nothing you do will change that. I'm not leaving you cause you gave me a little scar. Raina isn't leaving you either. Our friends and family will be with you till the end, and in the end, we're all going to have scars. We have to believe that it's all worth it, cause I certainly do"

"But what if I-"

"No baby" She gently scolds me "There is no 'What if's' There is only love" She leans back and kisses me on the tip of my nose "Love will always win"

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