And so it ends....

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(3rd person POV)

The Temple people stood firm, already in groups. They had gone over the plan so many times, it was ingrained in their memory

Barker and his team were tasked in taking out the strongest. As they had been together for years, they easily came up with a strategy

Lace, Jett, Finsley, Gianna, Cora and Naya were tasked with hitting the cult with brute force. Zaylee, Quinn, Aveanna, Darby and Grecia were tasked with hitting the attackers from the outside, wearing down the enemy. Asia, Thorn, Olivia and Grace were with Ava, they would attack anybody who came too close to their team. Barker would go where he was needed most, whilst simultaneously commanding his squad

Noah was by his mate, although he knew he should be with his squad, he just didn't want to leave his man

He met Tajai's siblings which practically made the poor wolf shit himself, especially when he found out his mate was a prince. The oldest of the siblings stood forward, her name was Princess Celia. She had nothing but a warm smile and a gentle hug for her brothers wolf

When they all returned home, Noah was going to get a welcome fit for a prince. He was both excited and petrified for it

Ziva and Colestina stood side by side in their wolf form, whilst their mate Linza stood in her human form in front of her allies. She was hoping to negotiate with the cult. It was a long shot, she knew better than anybody that the Grandmaster would be too stubborn to surrender, but she had to try. Jayden's plan was already in affect, but if she could save more lives, even those who sort against her, she'd try anything

Niamh and Siobhan stood side by side next too Linzas mates. They were in human form, hoping to communicate with the royal unit that Linza gave them. Both women were adept in the art of war, having been in many battles before they found their daughter

The unit they were given was a mixture of all types of Supernatural, ogres, giants, were-animals and even fairy. It was a mixture that covers all grounds of offensive and defensive strategies

Niamh would be lying if she said she wasn't scared though. It wasn't she who she was scared for, it was her daughter. If they failed today, if Jayden's plan didn't work and they perished, nothing was stopping the Grandmaster from getting too the Blessid child, her baby

Siobhan stood proudly, watching the skies for the first members of the cult to drop in. The group had been told that the enemy was 20 minutes away, then her eyes went towards her mate and down toward her stomach. She couldn't help but feel excited that one day, her second child will grow there. The thought that she might not be around to see it happen made her melancholy, but she had to be strong, for her people, her friends, her family and for her baby girl

Sunniva stood calmly behind the Queens. Today was the day that she needed to end her exes control. For years she followed him, turned a blind eye to his atrocities, even though they made her sick to her core. It took many years to change her ways, to help from within the belly of the beast. She'd saved millions of lives since then, and today, she's hoping to save more

Sunniva wasn't a fool to think she'd get out of this alive. With her betrayal coming to light, she wouldn't be surprised if her ex had already ordered some of his troops to take her out instantly. But the grandmother wasn't a pushover, if they wanted her, she was gonna give them a hell of a fight

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