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(3rd person POV)

The Grandmaster was livid. He glanced at where the Love Queens were killed, only to find his most trusted servants in their place. He looked towards where Linza was being feasted on, only to see the Goblin and Ghoul jump back in surprise when they realised it was a friend

Then he heard clapping, it was muffled, like someone wearing mittens

"Hello grandfather" A deep, gravelly but also intimidating voice spoke behind him. He spun around, ready to attack, only to come face to face with furry knees. He slowly looked up and gasped as a scarred ominous face of a true lycan stood in front of him

"You fucking bitch" He spat. He knew he couldn't take her. She was no doubt stronger and more powerful than him, even in his true form....but he was too pig-headed and stubborn to bow down and submit "I'll fucking kill you! You think me weak?!"

Jayden was unfazed, if anything, she smiled showing her dagger like teeth "Do you know what illusion means?" She asked condescendingly, not giving him time to answer and not really caring for it, she continued "In the dictionary, it says: an instance of a wrong or misinterpreted perception of a sensory experience" She stopped and glared at her blood relative "In layman's term, it's when your senses experience one thing, but it actually is another"

The Grandmaster was furious, a child speaking to him in such a manner was degrading "I know what it means" He scoffed angrily

"Right, right, you're not as stupid as I thought" She chuckled sarcastically "Anyway, the Priestesses that live at this temple are the most powerful Supernatural beings on the planet....did you know that? And in being half witch, they can pull off some very complicated spells," She pointed to him "....fighting each other" Then she nodded her head towards the back of him, he spun around to find the Temple people gathered and unharmed "You see, you and your people did most of the work for us"

"Nooooo!" He wailed "Generals! Come to me now!" He commanded. He looked to see where they were hidden, only to find more enemy walking out of the forest and carrying the heads of the Generals and their men

"Have you met these people?" Jayden nodded to her friends "They're called Guardians. Their whole life revolves around protecting me. I'm flattered, of course, but I'm not one to have that sort of spotlight. You see, whilst you were Killing your own, the Guardians were doing their job"

The Grandmaster spun turned to Jayden and snarled "You think these are the only people I have?" He grinned triumphantly "I have people all over the world ready for my call"

"Ah! Well, ya don't" Jayden shrugged nonchalant "You actually called everybody to be here. How do I know? Because of her" She pointed her giant paw towards her grandmother "You know her, right? She's my family, remember, the woman you were mated too has been working tirelessly to save as many people from your clutches as she can, those people just so happen to be sending her coded messages about your goings on. Every single building you owned, every piece of land is gone. Every slave you deemed too weak to fight, which, if I being honest, was surprising you didn't make them fight anyway, are free and back with their families. The only ones you have left are, well, here" She waved her arms around, indicating to the fallen

He looked around him, he had maybe 20 left "I'll grow again" He snarled "I'll grow bigger and better than before"

"No you won't" With the speed of a striking cobra, Jayden dashed forward, wrapped her giant paw with even bigger claws around his neck and lifted him off the ground, squeezing ever so slightly, just enough for it to be uncomfortable "Your reign ends here grandfather. You've caused to much pain and irreversible damage, I can't let that continue....but I know" She lifts him higher than slams him into the ground, on his back, not losing her grip than lifts him again "There'll be others like you" Than she slams him again "Others that will be stronger than you'd ever hope to be" Another slam. He was wheezing more than Loki after Hulk smash "But I'll never stop fighting, I'll never quit. These people, my people, will always stay true" Then she slammed him one more time before releasing

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