The Greatest Power on Earth?

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(Jayden POV)

"This is not fair" I sulk "I'm always the dog" We're playing monopoly and they took my token away

"No baby" Amber giggles "Too many of you were fighting over it"

I glare at Ava, who wanted to be the dog as well before quickly sitting up straight with my greatest argument "I'm the Silver Princess and Blessid child! I should get what I want!" Ava, Grace, Olivia and my mates give me a 'Really?' Look that deflates my idea to the point where I sulk again, only, I make a show of grunting and throwing my head back in distress

"Diva alert" Grace giggles

"Fine! Give me the damn thimble!" I grumble

"I'm always the thimble" Raina smirks at me

"Then what am I going to be?"

"You can be the wheelbarrow" Amber chuckles

"I don't want to be the wheelbarrow! I want to be the DOG!"

"If you don't behave, I'll tie you to the bed and you'll only be able to watch for a month" Raina threatens

"You know what?, I'll be the wheelbarrow. The wheelbarrow rocks" I say quickly, grabbing my token and putting it on go "I'm going to play the hell out of the wheelbarrow"

"That's what I thought" My beautiful, conniving, torturous white Princess snorts

"Great! Now that's sorted, who goes first?" Olivia asks

"Highest roll with a single dice" Ava states

After each of us having a go....I roll a one "Horse shit" I mumble but get a kiss on my cheek from Amber, which makes me smile

"Okay, the order is! Ava, Grace, Amber, me, Olivia and pouting poopy pants"

I poke my tongue at her and she just laughs

We've been playing for a while and I haven't had the opportunity to buy any damn street. They're always owned by someone else. I'm running out of money and it sucks

I was finally about to land on a train station that I could buy when the ground shook "What the hell was that?" Amber asked

Ava, Grace and Olivia instantly got to their feet. They started getting all of these guns and stuff and hooking it to there outfits "Grace, stay here, protect the princesses" Ava orders. Grace nods and stands behind us "Olivia, you go to the north, I'll go south. We'll meet in the market a few clicks away" I'm in awe at how badass she looks right now "Keep in communication at all times" She looks at Grace who gulps "You know what to do if we're compromised?" She says to her

I watch as Olivia walks up to Grace and pulls her into a passionate kiss "We'll see you again my love" She says softly and then runs out of the house

Ava does the same things then presses her forehead to Grace's "Be strong baby, we'll find you" Then Ava is gone

It's quiet for a while, Amber holding on to me and I'm holding onto Raina. Grace paces around the living room, constantly looking out the windows, and then she freezes, and then she starts to cry

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