Oh goddess help me!

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(Jayden POV)

Ma told me I had to go to school today. I don't mind. I've been talking to Perry and Barker everyday since I met them, that was 3 days ago. They are freaking awesome. They said they were going to pick me up for school today so I'm stoked. Mum was a little sad but I told her she can pick me up after School which made her happy

I'm waiting outside to be picked up. I'm a little early but I couldnt sit inside the house anymore. Suddenly I hear the rev of an engine and the most beautiful car I've ever seen, pulls up in front of me with Perry in the driver's seat

It was a thing of beauty

"Let's go silver Pup" Perry calls from the driver's window. I'm about to run towards him when I'm grabbed from behind in a hug

"Mum!" I laugh "I already said goodbye"

"I know" She groans "But it wasn't enough" She holds me tightly from behind and sighs "Why did you have to grow up little one"

"I'm always going to be here Mum, I promise"

"You better be, or I'm going wolf on someone's butt" She growls playfully. I smile and lean into her, turning my head and kissing her cheek

"I love you Mum"

"I love you too Silver Pup. Now get to school before you're late" I nod my head and she let's me go "I'll pick you up after school"

"Okay" I give her one last kiss on the other cheek and walk to the car. I look in and see Perry is alone "Where's Barker?" I ask him

"He had a couple of things to do today, so it's just me"

"Cool. Shotgun!" I call out and he laughs

Once sitting in the beautiful black interior of the beast of a car, Perry starts the engine again and drives off. I wave to Mum until I can't see her anymore

I'm bouncing a little in my seat from giddiness. I've never gotten a ride from a friend before....well....I've never had a friend before so this has me all excited

"What class do you have first up Silver Pup?" He asks while looking ahead

"English 4"

"Sweet, me too"


"Yep. Then I've got maths 3, science 2, History 3, Social studies, and Economics 4" I look at him stunned

"You can't be serious?" Looking at him completely shocked


"Those are all my classes"

"You're kidding?" He asks with a smirk

"No, I'm not. I have all of them today" I can't wipe the smile from my face "This is awesome" I chuckle. My luck is really changing

"Cool. Then I won't be alone today" He laughs

The rest of the ride is just of us chit-chatting about random things and me pointing out different stores on the street that I either have to avoid or, love to visit

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