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(3rd person POV)

Amber and Raina were livid

They stormed back into the hut, ready to give their mate a piece of their minds. When they stomped into the living room, they both stopped in shock of seeing Jayden

She had blood all over her face and head

"Oh my goddess" Amber gasped. The blanket was covering her body, but by the looks of the blood stains, they could tell their was more damage

Raina ran up to Jayden and quickly started examining her body. She almost cried in sorrow when she saw her beloved was missing an ear. Gently moving the blanket, both mates saw all the bruising and bite marks, some of the marks still bleeding. They noticed her hand and cringed at the state of it

Not knowing what to do, both mates just stared at Jayden with tears in their eyes

Grace stood protectively behind them, but she felt guilty, guilty that she was overjoyed that Ava and Olivia were okay. Her mates were saved by Princess Jayden, but at what cost. Was the safety of her mates, worth the almost loss of her friend? She didn't know how to react. Yes, Princess Jayden was alive, but she wasn't okay

Not knowing what to do either, Grace just stood still silently and watched over the three

Suddenly Amber had an idea. Standing up, she ran to the bathroom and filled a little bowl with warm water. Grabbing a cloth, she quickly went back too her mates and sat beside Raina. She soaked the material and gently started to wipe the dried blood away

The damage was extensive and the scars a many, but at least she was alive

Ava and Grace were making their way back to the hut. It was a slow process. Princess Jayden healed them, but both their bodies were aching. After finding some clothes, all they wanted was to see Grace

Athena walked beside them in her normal form. She walked proudly, eager to get back to her saviour

Ava then stopped and sniffed the air. Grace looked at her confused and did the same. They both smelt a scent that didn't belong here

Giving each other a look, they both nodded and followed their noses, with a curious Athena behind them

The citizens of the Temple started to clean up their homes. Never has an attack been so destructive before. Some were angry, angry that people thought it okay to invade a peaceful place. Most of them had already been through hell, they came here to avoid any conflict from the outside....but you can never really escape it

The fact that they were here to take away the blessid child pissed the citizens off. The child that every single one of them had fallen in love with was still in danger, even here, where it was supposed to be safe

Without even knowing, all the citizens came to the same decision: Time to fight once more

A young mother, walked to her home with her child on her hip. She saw the windows of her little hut, smashed and her front door hanging on by a hinge

She'd only been at the Temple for a few weeks and had been running after rejecting her mate

No one knew her story, not even High Priestess Magnola

When she walked into her home, dreed over took her body when she saw her ex-mate sitting on her couch

"Hello darling" He smirked

"Ma-Master Mathews" She stuttered in fear

"It seems I found you once more" He grinned. He was one of the Masters that had run away from the Cyclops "I'm in a bit of a pickling sweetheart, I need your assistance"

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