Follow her

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(Jayden POV)

Darkness. That's all I see. No pain, no struggle....just darkness

I'm sitting alone, with my knees to my chest and slightly rocking I trust to easily The look in his eyes, the hate and rage, all for greed. My biological parents died at his hands and now, so shall I. The thought alone fills me with disappear. Not touching or seeing my mates again. Not getting a motherly hug from my parents, I'd take their excessive teasing right now

I hope Raina and Amber don't mourn to long. To lose a mate is the most heartbreaking pain one can feel at least they'll still have each other I must take comfort from that

I'm daydreaming about all the things I wish I could do when a bright light appears in front of me. I just make out the shape to be a wolf....a familiar wolf

It stops in front of me and sits on its hind legs, it's silver fur, almost glowing in the light. It cocks their head to the side with its tongue hanging out

'I know you' I whisper without moving my lips. The wolf gives me a little bark of acknowledgement 'I know you but I can't quite remember' The wolf sighs and lays at my feet 'How do I know you?' No matter how hard I think, nothing comes to mind 'Do you know me?' I ask it. It sits up again and nods 'How?'
It doesn't say anything but turns around and starts walking away 'Wait!' I scramble to my feet 'Don't leave me! I don't know where I am' It keeps a fast pace but I catch up to it 'Where are we?' But get no answer 'Who are you?' My question met with silence 'You know, you're not much of a conversationalist' I groan 'Can you tell me anything?' The wolf stops and looks at me, I return the stare until I'm blinded by a light. I close my eyes tightly, only to feel a warm breeze on my bare skin. I open my eyes and I'm on the freaking beach 'What the fuck?!' I look to the wolf, determined to get answers, only to find that their gone. I look back towards the ocean to see a scene before me

"Chase me Mummy" A little blond toddler giggles while running in the sand. She's wearing the cutest pink swimsuit I've ever seen

"I'm coming" I hear a playful growl coming from an older version of Raina "I'm going to get you" She giggles, as the little girls runs as fast as they can

"Mama! I'm bored" I look to the voice to see a teenager with brown hair and blue eyes groaning

"You're always bored" A very pregnant older version of Amber walks over

"When's Ma going to be here?" A little kid asks, the spitting image of me. I gasp as I see her long silver hair and silver eyes

"Soon sweetheart" Raina answers "You know how busy she is"

"Yeah" She sigh disappointingly

"We see less and less of her" An adult who looks like a spitting image of Raina walks over with a pout

"You know your Ma girls" Amber sighs "Even in peace, things need to be done"

"Don't you miss her?" A boy no taller than Amber sits in the sand, moving it around

"Of course we do son" Raina responds "But as royalty, we have a duty to the people"

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