Stay with me

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(Jayden POV)

I didn't know how to react. My grandfather, the man who wants to kill me is my blood "Is this where you kill me?" I whisper softly to my grandmother

"No sweetheart, this is where you kill me" She says with a sad smile

I look up at her completely baffled "What do you mean?"

"We need to make him weak, so weak he won't be able to function. My son's are idiots and won't know how to lead the cult. The only way to make that happen is if you kill his mate....meaning me" She explains

"Why can't you just reject him?" I ask

"It won't be enough" She sighs shaking her head

"Well I'm not killing you and neither is anyone else....reject him and come with me" I beg

"Jay-bird" She smiles sweetly "He will hunt me down at all costs. I've done bad things in my youth, so bad I must pay for them....death will be my redemption" She stands up and walks in front of me, stopping and placing a warm hand on my cheek "I tried to keep you safe and hidden. The cult witches work for me. They told me where you were but told the others they couldn't see you. You weren't supposed to shift until you had taken the throne and had the support of others to protect you. You shifted before then and you grandfather found out. You must take my life to end his....only then will you have a chance to survive"

"Why didn't you protect my parents?"

"I tried" She sighs sadly and drops her hand, balling it into a fist "I tried to convince them to run away with you, but they wouldn't leave their kingdom. When you were born, I knew you were special, I knew you were more than just the silver princess. I told your Grandfather you had died at birth and I shielded any witch trying to see you. When I heard of the attack on your parents, I sped to the castle as fast as I could....but....I was too late. I held my only daughter in my arms and wept for hours" I see her eyes well up with unshed tears "Protecting you until you were ready was my only salvation"

"Then reject him" I state a little forcefully


"No! I'm sick and tired of losing people I love before I've even gotten to know them. You are my grandmother, my only link to my mother. Reject him and stay with me" I growl

"I will put everyone you love in danger"

"If you haven't noticed, we're already in danger!" I exclaim, throwing my arms up in the air "So many people want me dead, but many more are fighting for me. Reject him and let's go!"


"No! You don't get to call me that until you reject him! I'm not going to kill you! I'm not going to leave you behind! So the only choice is to reject the monster and come with me!"

"It won't be that easy"

"Nothing easy is worth fighting for grandmother. It's the hard stuff that brings the most rewards" This time I cup her cheek and she leans into the feeling "I'm not leaving without you, so I guess I let the cult have me"

"You are stubborn just like you mother" She chuckled

"I guess you and I have something in common" I smirk

"And you got that look from your Ma" She takes my hand from her cheek into her hand, looking at me sadly "I Sunniva Maitane Tollere, reject you, Slade Gerome Worthame as my mate. I will never love you again, our souls will never match. My life will no longer be yours, my heart is only mine. My wolf rejects your wolf...." She takes a deep breath "Forever" She falls to her knees and grips her chest in a scream. I run to side and hold her in my arms. Hoping my healing works for this, I kiss her forehead and her staggered breathing evens out to a gasp "How did you do that?" She asks with tears in her eyes

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