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"Jayden! Just let go!" Raina yells out

"No!" I scream back. Twilight thought it would be hilarious to have me wake up 100ft off the ground in a tree. I ended up falling from the branch I was on and desperately grabbed another branch where I'm dangling from

"Baby! You're not that high up!" Amber yells at me

"Bullshit!" I squeeze my eyes shut gripping the branch while my feet hang free. I can hear the branch groan from my tight grip


"Mum?! Oh thank goddess! Mum! Help me!" I scream

"Just let go silver pup" She laughs

"This is no laughing matter!" I growl loudly not opening my eyes "I'm literally going to die if I do!"

"Jayden! Let go of the damn branch!" Ma calls out

"Ma! Get me a ladder! Please?!" I'm almost in tears

"You don't need a ladder" She says

"Yes I do!" I quickly say "If I die! I'm haunting you all!"

"Jayden! For goddess sake, open your eyes!" Mum yells

"You open your eyes" I sass back "Now can someone get me a dragon shifter to help me down!"

"Jayden! Baby! You'll be okay! Just let go of the branch!" Ambers says trying to coax me down

"No! You let go of the branch"

"What the hell does that mean?!" Amber scoffs loudly

"It means bloody help me!" I scream back. I still haven't opened my eyes and I'm not planning too

'This is so fucking funny' Twilight laughs hysterically

"I fucking hate Twilight!" I growl aggressively at her

'Come on Jayden, this is funny'

"If you weren't me, I'd fucking kill you!"

'Oh no, I'm totally trembling' She laughs. I can feel her rolling around on her back

"Jayden baby" I hear Raina whisper. I chance a move to open my eyes and see her sitting on my lifesaving branch but I quickly shut my eyes again

"What the hell are you doing up here?" I growl "You could die"

"Baby" She sighs "Would you do anything for me?" What type of question is that?! Is this a test?! "I'm asking you seriously"

"Uh....y-yes" I answer

"Good" She nods "Look down" I knew she was going to ask that "For me my love, please" She pleads

I groan but gather all my courage and look down "Oh" I'm maybe 7ft from the ground

"Yeah" She giggles

I let go of the branch and land easily on my feet. I look up to clapping and cheering from my parents and my mates "If anyone mentions this to anybody, I'll hurt you all" I point to them then lift my head up high and storm away, listening to the people I love most, laughing their asses off "I fucking hate you Twilight" I mumble as I keep walking

I didn't know where I was walking too, all I knew was I had to get away from the cackling chickens I call my family. I ended up in a big meadow which had a huge group of people in it. They were crying and holding each other that it broke my heart to see how sick they looked "JAYDEN!"

I turned to the voice and saw 2 of my favourite people "BARKER!! PERRY!!" Barker came running towards me followed quickly by Perry. I launched myself into Barkers arms and koala hugged him whilst I felt Perry's arms wrap around us "I missed you both so much"

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