Day one

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"YOU DISGUST ME!!" Albert screams in my face as his minions kick and punch me "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ME!!" More punches to my face

How did this happen? I bumped into him as he came out of a classroom doorway. I landed on my ass and here I lay, being beaten by his butthole-majesty and slaves

I try to cover my face, but it's futile. They're stronger then me, always has been and always will be

A werewolf gets it's strength from their pack, I have none but my Mum and Ma

This is my life, wake up, enjoy breakfast with my parents, go to school, get beaten up by Albert Maryand The bitch of all bitches, the cunt of all cunts, the person I wish to kill

The bells rings and the beating stops. Albert stands over me and spits in my blooded face

"You touch me again freak, and I'll have you and your family killed" He walks off laughing along with his friends Goddess, I wish I could just kill him now

I stand up slowly, each movement causing painful cries from my lips. I look around and all I see is pity and disgust from everyone's stares. I bend down slowly and pick up my bag before limping to the nurses office

I knock on the door and it opens to the only person in this school that actually gives a shit about me

"Oh my goddess, Jayden, what happened to you?" Nurse Ally gently guides me to one of the beds

"Oh you know, wrong place, wrong face. The usual" I chuckle, only to stop short from painful ribs

"I know I shouldn't speak ill of my future Alpha but I fucking hate him" Ally growls

She lays me gently down on the bed and walks off to start getting the equipment ready to clean me

"I'm okay Ally. Not like it hasn't happened before and it'll only happen again. It always does" I say solemnly

Ally comes back with latex gloves on and a tray of equipment. She sits on a stool next to the bed and pulls the tray towards her

"I know, but still. How is he meant to help run a pack if he is so cruel? His father is so kind and gentle to all, Albert is nothing like him. His brother Patrick should be Alpha, now that kid is a great guy"

She helps me sit up a little so I can take off my shirt. We've been through this routine so many times

"I'm fine and Albert is still young. Yes I wish he would just die but I'm not that lucky" I giggle "Maybe it'll be funny if his mate is Jarod"

This gets Ally to laugh as she slowly helps me to lay back down

"Poor Jarod. That boy has a few to many screws loose" She laughs

Jarod is a human and totally crazy. He believed once that tinker bell was coming for him so he spent and entire year in his pajamas waiting. He's also very aggressive. Not even Albert or his entourage want anything to do with him. He snaps at the littlest things. Many have been hospitalized by him, even wolves, that's why he has his own classroom. He's a smart guy, just a little unstable

"I hope Jarod does find someone though, he deserves to find love" I say

Ally stops preparing her tray and looks at me

"So do you" She sighs

"Ally. We've talked about this. My mate will reject me. I have no pack, I'm weak and the whole school hates me not to mention, my extra bits. What part of me would any girl want?" I sigh back

"Your heart Jayden. A heart that beats so strong that no one else can compare. Also, you're beautiful when you're not covered in bruises"

" looks" I growl "Another reason why I'm a freak"

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