Not anymore

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(Jayden POV)

I'm currently in the restaurants bathroom, scolding myself You stupid moron! How can I be so embarrassing! Sitting in the booth next to Raina and opposite Amber, I was doing pretty well. My underwear helping immensely....however....when Amber decided to lick her fingers, it got a little difficult, but when she sucked on them winking at me....I choked on the mouthful of pizza and spat it out, all over the table. I looked at Amber and Raina, completely embarrassed and ran to the nearest bathroom, locking the door behind me Stupid! Stupid! Stupid moron!

I hear a knock at the door and I'm dreading to know who it is "Baby girl?" I hear my Mum call out "Are you okay"

"Yes" I growl

"Open the door honey please"

"No. I'm fine"

"Jayden sweetheart, open the door so I can check you myself" She softly says


"Jayden Love, open this damn door right now or I'll break it down" She growls. I groan but open the door, walking back to the sink before she can see my tears "Jayden, it was an accident" She says as she shuts the door and stands beside me

"I spat my food at was disgusting and gross"

"Technically, it wasn't your fault"

"You saw why?" I ask nervously

"Yes sweetie. Amber was being a tease. She feels really bad about it and wants to apologise"

"She didn't do anything wrong" I sigh "I just....I didn't expect it or know how to react to it" I drop my head lower and shake it, trying to get the vision out of my head of her finger disappearing between her full perfectly shaped soft lips. I groan internally as my erection is starting to become painful

"I think you reacted how anyone would've to be honest" Mum chuckles "She's extremely attractive. If I was a few years younger and not married...." She trails off


"I'm just saying honey. Anybody would've done what you did"

"Get completely embarrassed and run off like a little bitch you mean?" I sigh

"Well....not in those exact words, but close"

"Too close" I mumble

"If you need some advice on mini you, tuck it into you belt"

"What?" I look at her like she's completely lost her mind

"Perry gave me a little advice when I came after you and said 'Tuck your erection under your belt' apparently it'll give it a little freedom but still be unnoticed. Pull your shirt down for extra coverage"

"Was it that noticeable?" I groan

"A little honey"

"Shit" I drop my head in my hands and sob "I thought the underwear would help"

"Oh sweetheart" Mum sighs "It's not that bad" She massages my shoulders and then rubs my back "Just breath baby girl"

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