Bonding Proposal

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It's pretty short, but you'll like it, I think. Enjoy
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Bonding Proposal
The next day Minseok is finally back to his room. He's laying on the bed while I get potion.

I grab what I think what it looks like the vial. I grab it and walk into his room.

"I think this is it."

I hand it to him. He smiles.


He sits up with my help. He opens it up and pinches his nose, he gulps it down in one try.

He gags. "Yuck! Terrible like always."

He puts the vial down.

He pats the spot next to me. I sit down.

He cuddles into my chest.

"Minseok when I become king, would you like to be with me forever?"

He looks up.

"Luhan, are you sure?"

"I love Minseok, a lot. You are special to me, I want to spend my life with you."

He smiles at me, he puts his face in my neck.


I hear him say.

I smile.

"Can we Bond?"

He looks up at me.

"Go get my rings."

I smile and get up to go to his desk.

I opened up the drawer and grabbed the box with the silver bondings in it. I walk in and Minseok smiles at me. I hand him the box he opens it and grabs the rings.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive"

"Aren't we moving too fast?"

"I don't think so. I love you."

I smiles and puts the ring on my ring finger, and I grab the other on and put on his ring finger.

"Luhan until you become king and we get bonded can we keep this within the castle grounds?"

I smile.

"Of course."

I give him a kiss. He kisses me back. I pull away.

I lay down and he lays down on my chest. We fell asleep.

Hands locked with eachother.

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