King Lucas

311 14 4

Mind the crappy edit I was rushing. See Yesterday we had no school due to Juniors taking the ACT and today we didn't start school til 10:50 only getting 25 minutes per class. So I'm updating.
King Lucas

Minseok walks into the kitchen to grab me a drink while I practice for the ceremony of me becoming king.

I sit down exhausted. Six hours of doing

'everything is wrong'

'You need to this'

'You need to that'

'Chin up'

blah blah blah

"Break please"

"fine but then we are going back." My father says.

We heard a knock and I watched as the guard opens, I see my fathers confused look.

"King Lucas what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Oh just a talk with your son."

He walks up to me.

"So I hear you are dating someone, a slave actually."

My father stood up, motioning for Minseok to step, foreword. But Lucas held his hand up to stop him.

"No let him stay I want him to watch this" before any of us could do anything.

Lucas grabbed something from his pockets and yelled something I didn't understand.

All of a sudden, ropes come out from his wand wrapping around me and parents tying us up to the chair.

Even everyone around us that were non magical were tied up.

Minseok was in front of me with his wand out in a flash.


Then Lucas laughed.

"How couldn't you? There were so many warnings."

Lucas grabbed Minseok left arm and pulled the sleeve off.

Naturally my instincts make me look down at his arm. I saw that the snake of his tattoo was slithering, in and out of the skull.

Minseok struggles to get out of his grasp, when he finally does, Lucas wipes his wand and Minseok goes flying across the room.

I try to break free from the ropes,

"Stop hurting him!" I yell.

Lucas grabs Minseok by the neck and walks up in front of me, he pushes Minseok down on his knees.

He pulls his hair up and pokes his wand at Minseok's neck.

"So tell me Luhan how has your boyfriend Xiumin been treating you?"

I scrunch my brows together in confusion.

"Xiumin? Who's Xiumin? His name is Minseok." I defend.

I look between Minseok and Lucas to see tears falling from Minseok eyes, his head hanging low.

Lucas' laugh pierced through my ears.


Lucas said, turning to face Minseok.

"You didn't even tell him your name?"

"His names Minseok" I said defending him again.

But Lucas only smirks.

"That's not his real name"

I try to find Minseok eyes, to only get avoided,


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