Change and a Walking Beauty

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This Chapter dedicated to Sweet_love_Exo_ships

(I hope I got that right) because she's been a fan and really wants to read this book. So extra long chapter for you. ❤


Change and a Walking Beauty


Prince Luhan was in the car on his way back to his home. He looked around at his soon to be kingdom, and all he saw was grey.

Everything looked old, beaten down. People looked sick. Barely any businesses accept your usual gas station, local stores, etc. also He noticed more clubs. Luhan watched in horror.

He didn't know how to feel. Bad? Disgusted? Pity? He didn't know.

But one thing he wants to know is,

What happened to his fathers kingdom?

He knew that around 7 years ago they discovered magical beings that were hiding in our world, but he thought that this wasn't the cause, was it? He didn't know so many people were struggling and that there were so many magical beings. He saw many places like this, but he didn't expect his kingdom to be one of them. Why? He thought.

There needs to be changes around here! He thought.

He watched as he saw a man pulling a half naked woman towards his car. He studied her. The woman looked unhappy, broken, like this happened many times before. He knew what she was, a metamorphagus. He knew that they were forced into prostitution, because of their ability to shape shift.

After passing by he looked up and saw his home pulling into view.

It's been ten years.

Was his father like everything people said about him?

He didn't know.

The car came to a stop, and the driver opened up the door. Luhan took a step out and looked around, he saw slaves working around the castle keeping it clean. He stood there, taking everything in. After sighing he opened his eyes to see a slave motioning him to the doors.

Luhan nod his head to him in respect. He walked foreward to the doors. After hearing his father's speech, the doors opened, he walked in and stood for a while. Then he started to walk around greeting people.

Keeping one thing in mind.

Things need to change in my kingdom.

Soon the night came to an end. Everyone leaving accept Luhan, after everyone left. He stood out side the doors in the shadows looking into the room, while he saw the slaves work hard on cleaning up. Then he saw a guard walk in with a box.

"Your wands are now returned."

He watched as the guard opens the box that contain many unique wands. He watched the slaves grab them in content. After what he assumed that everyone had their wands the guard looked down then up.

"There are still two in here, who are missing?" He said in a deep, theartening tone. "Well?"

A loud bang was heard, as Luhan turned to see a teen, he thought walk in the room from the kitchen in tux.

"Those belong to me and Min!"

The boy said, he ran up and grabbed the two wands, pocketing one, keeping the other.

Luhan studied the boy.

He must of had been servering tonight. He thought.

"Get changed and to work, now" the guard said, turning he walked out the room.

The teen shrugged and started whispering spells.

Luhan watched in amazement because he's never seen magic being used up close before.

A noise was made from somebody walking, everyone looked towards Luhan's direction, but not looking at him. Luhan looked behind him and saw something that took his breath away.

A man with a round face, baozi as cheeks, and single eyelids, slightly shorter than him, who looked built. He watch as the man looked up at everyone.

"Sorry I was late, but I released Baekhyun from being charged he sick." He said.

Luhan couldn't help but almost faint because of his voice. It was music to his ears. Still in the shadows he watched as the man walk up to the guy in the tux.

"Chen, my wand please."

Who he assumed was Chen handed the man that he thought as A walking God his wand.

"Thanks now let's go"

They started working until the man noticed Luhan. Luhan gulped as he noticed the mans features turn from soft to hard. He straighten his posture and put his wand down, he turned and walked over to Luhan. Luhan then......



There hope you guys like it. I didn't want it too long. I actually didn't know when to stop. I have a lot of time since at school they are mixing our schedule for finals so we have an hour and 15 mins per class and only three classes per day this week so after finals I'm typing so yeah. Update tomorrow.


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