Babies, Babies Everywhere

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Babies Babies Everywhere

It's been 3 months.

Luhan and Xiumin are strong. Sehun and Kai are still there. Working on the process on moving out. Sehun is very pregnant.

Xiumin has a bump which is bigger than what he thought. So he's going to the doctors. Luhan had to stay home to watch Jakob and Baekhyun jr. While Kai and Sehun were house searching.

Xiumin was sitting nervously as his Medi-witch did some tests.

"Congratulations Xiumin, you are having more than one buddle of joy!" The medi witch addressed happily.

Shock was evident on Xiumins Face. His mouth hanging opened, his eyes widen. "What!"

Luhan was peacefully changing Baekhyun Jr. diaper while Pinky was changing Jakob's.

They heard a crack. Luhan finishes the diaper before turning around to be attacked by Xiumin, wrapping his arms around Luhan's neck and his legs around Luhan's waist.

He kissed him with so much love and passion, that Luhan couldn't process it.

Luhan wraps his arms around Xiumins torso bringing him in closer.

Luhan pulls away with a smile, "why so happy Xiumin?"

"How do you feel about three kids?"

Luhan scrunches his eyebrows, "why?

"Because we are having triplets!"

Luhan's eyes widen, his smile turns brighter. He hugs Xiumin, who was giggling.


"I don't know it's rare because I don't have twins or triplets in the family, do you?"

"No, but who cares Xiumin we are having three babies."

"No wonder why I've been eating alot. I'm feeding for three"

"Four including yourself"

"Luhan we should visit your parents, to tell them the good news."

Xiumin said, considering they will be his parents in law.

"Okay, but wait until Sehun and Kai gets back."

Xiumin gets down off of Luhan. Luhan places his hand on the bump, under Xiumins shirt.

"So how have you been feeling? I know your morning sickness has gone down but hurtin or aching?"

"No but hungry, you should make me your famous Grilled Cheese Sandwiches."

Xiumin says so innocently that it makes Luhan laughs.

"Okay now go sit down."

Xiumin walks over and sits down on the couch. He heard a crack and assume it was Sehun and Kai. "So how was house hunting?"

"I wouldn't know I already have a house." A familiar voice says in a teasing tone.

Xiumin turns around to see Draco, Harry, Junmyeon, Yixing, Chen, and Tao.

"Oh hey guys come in sit."

Chen sits down next to Xiumin. "So how's the baby."

"Babies, I'm have three."

"That's amazing!" Junmyeon says.

"Yeah, but it sucks because I'm always hungry! And I'm getting bigger!"

"So who's the God Father?" Tao asks,

Xiumin shrugs, "I haven't thought of it yet. But we will have one before they are born."

Luhan comes in to see everyone talking. He walks up to Xiumin and places a plate full of 6 sandwiches in Xiumins hand.

"Here you go babe."

"Woah! Xiumin that's alot" Tao yells.

"You try being pregnant."

Tao wraps his arms around Chen when Chen says, "Oh we're trying"

Luhan sits down next to Xiumin, "why is everyone getting pregnant?"

"Because the war killed many people so the population is going down so they are inforcing marriages and pregnancies. Plus nobody wanted to get pregnant during the war so they waited, I've wanted a baby for so long. I waited for 5 years. Some were waiting longer and now that it's over, everyone wants kids."

Luhan nods. Xiumin looks up at Draco, "speaking of which when were you going to tell me that you are expecting?"

Draco looks up alarm. "What do you mean?"

"The family tree, I saw yours and Harry's name connect with a Baby under it."

Draco looks at him with bewilder, "But Harry's not eve-" he stops himself to look at Harry with wide eyes. Harry smiles shyly, "surprise"

Draco stood frozen. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I just found out when I went to the doctors two days again, I just haven't had time tell you."

"That's amazing."

Xiumin smiles and then looks over at Junmyen and Yixing, "So any news from you two?" Xiumin asks with a playful smirk. "No unless Yixing has something to tell me?"

Yixing laughs. "I'm not pregnant!! ........ At least........ I think I'm not"

They all laugh.

Eventually Sehun and Kai come in with the twin boys.

"So we found a beautiful house a few miles from you guys."

"That's great!"

"We will be moving in after Sehun gives birth if that's okay."

"That's fine." Xiumin says.

"So how's the baby?" Harry asks, regarding to Sehun.

"She's fine, they say she's a little big, it's funny because when I was pregnant with the twins I was underweight but with her I'm overweight." He places his hand on his stomach.

Everyone laughs.

"Well we got to go, bye Xiumin bye Luhan, bye guys"

Tao and Chen stood up and apparated away with a crack.

"Yeah so do we, Yixing mother wants us to have dinner"

"Well we'll leave too,"

The other four leave, leaving Xiumin and Luhan to themselves while Sehun and Kai were in their bedroom with the twins.

Xiumin sits there smiling before a thought came to him. That he forgot to say earlier.

"Luhan, guess what the doctor told me."
Bye bye!!!!

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