The Truth Comes Out

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The Truth Comes out

"Minseok?" I whispher.

"Go ahead, tell him the truth." Lucas said.

Minseok turns and looks at me. Tears falling down his face. We stare at eachother before Lucas, harshly bumps his shoulder against Minseok's.

"My name isn't Kim Minseok,"

He coughs, choking on his tears,

"My real name is Xiumin Black."

I gasp. The feeling of hurt and betrayal evident in my face, but anger was more showing.

Who was this man in front of me?

Was this all a lie?

Does he really love me?

Was I only a cover up?

Sensing my feelings, Xiumin looks away. Tears still falling from his eyes.

"Why are you here!" He chokes out.

"To open the portal between both worlds. Of course."

Lucas says as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Xiumin smirks.

"You can't open it if I closed it."

Then Chen runs in. Lucas looks at Chen and laughs.

"You have a mudblood! Wait let me guess he didn't use his real name too? Hmm"

Chen avoids eye contact with Lucas,

"Jongdae Chen Wilkins?"

I felt my heart break with every lie these people have told me. I felt the anger of being betrayed.

"It's Chen" he said.

"Crucio" Lucas said.


Chen yells, Lucas points his wand at Chen.


The green light hit Chen square in the chest, falling to ground from the impact, knocking Chen out before he could block it.

Lucas grabs Xiumin's neck, after letting go to fight Chen.

He tried to get out. Failing yet again.

Lucas places his wand in the skull of the tattoo on Xiumin's arm. Digging it in drawing blood.

Xiumin's scream from the pain was loud and powerful. Ringing in my ears as tears fell from my face.

He started to speak. "My Lord we found him."

Yanking the wand painfully from Xiumin's arm. Letting him go to fall to the floor.

"Minseok!" I said. Not realizing I said it.

Groaning in pain. Xiumin cradles his arm.

All of a sudden. I heard a crack.

Looking towards the sound. I saw a man that looked grey, snake eyes, with no eyes.

Honestly he was ugly. I look at Lucas and his face started to transform into a man with grey eyes and long blonde hair.

"Lucius I am greatful for your service as a loyal follower you shall be rewarded."

Lucius nods his head,

"Thank you my lord"

Lord walked over to Xiumin.

"I finally found you Xiumin. Your going to open the portal that you and your idiot cousin and godson closed."

Another crack sound was heard. A man appearing pulling in a teen who was tall and looked like Lucius, expect younger.

I realized they were related.

Lucius grabbed Xiumin and threw him next to the other man.

Xiumin looks at him in disbelief.

"Draco I thought you were in the wizarding world!"

"I was in leaky cauldron, it's technically still in the human world."

Then another person pulled in Teddy.

"Now that we got the whole family together lets open the portal."

"Why should we? You're a murder!"

Teddy yelled.

"Let's get them ready."

Lucius commands

Xiumin looks at me, tears falling.

He didn't have to say anything as I knew he was saying sorry.

Apologizing with his eyes.

The look of hurt and pain clearly visible, I know I should be mad that he lied, but I accept his apology.

If he knows it or not.

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