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So I thought I updated this like to days ago, but I guess I didn't.
This goes to Goldenapple243 for spamming my email and Wattpad with Votes and comments the past 4 hour.
Plus I just woke up.

It's been a week since the second wizarding world ended. Luhan and Xiumin are going strong.

Luhan was able to explore the wizarding a bit. He started to take care of Xiumin. Not wanting him to get hurt.

Xiumin doesn't mind Luhan's protectiveness. He knows Luhan doesn't want him to stress because he's pregnant.

Luhan and Xiumin were eating dinner in the dining room, when there was a loud bang. Luhan looks over at the fireplace to see Kai dusting himself off.

"Kai? Why you here."

"Can we stay here for a while. Sehun's mother kicked us out, because the baby isn't mine! Who does that."

Xiumin nods, "of course. No problem. Stay. I'll get Pinky to fix a room."

Kai smiles. "Thanks Xiumin"

He leaves with a crack.


The tiny house elf walks in. "Yes Master Black?"

"Can you please fix a room up for Kai and Sehun and their kids."

"Yes Master." Pinky leaves to fix a room.

Luhan wraps his arms around Xiumin's torso. Rubbing his stomach lovingly.

Xiumin smiles at the loving gesture.

"I guess we won't be alone for awhile" Luhan smiles at his words and gives Xiumin a kiss.

"YAH don't make out in front of my children!"

They pull away to see a pregnant Sehun holding Baekhyun jr. And Kai holding Jakob.

Sehun's bump was definitely showing in the shirt he was wearing.

Luhan smiles, he couldn't wait until Xiumin started to show.

"Thanks Xiumin,"

"No problem, but why couldn't you go to Baekhyun."

"Baekhyun is moving in with Chanyeol and they don't have enough room, so Kai came here."

"Well you're always welcome. Now let me see my nephews."

He sticks his hand out and reaches for Jakob.

Luhan smiles brightly at Xiumins eagerness to hold one of the kids.

Kai smiles and hands Jakob to Xiumin. "Don't steal him!"

"Why would I? I'm having my own."

"Yeah I know, but you always loved kids."


He sits down on the floor with Jakob and starts playing with him. Luhan smiles at the scene.

Pinky walks in. "Your rooms for Master Byun and Master Kim are ready."

Kai smiles, "Thank you."

Luhan and Xiumin watched the twin boys while Kai and Sehun got everything situated.

"Luhan want do you want? A boy or Girl?".

"I don't care."

"I want a girl, but I wouldn't care if its a boy"

They talked all day about babies, until fell asleep talking about babies.

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