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Their was a crack.

Luhan turns to see Chen running urgently to him.

"We won. Voldemort is dead."

"That's great, where's Xiumin."

"St. Mungos, he was bitten by Nagini, Voldemort's snake."

Worried filled Luhan, "We don't know if he's awake yet."

Tao runs up to Chen, giving him a big hug and a kiss.

"I'm so glad your alive."

"Chen when can I see him?"

"Soon, I'll go now." Both Tao and Chen disappear.

"We're free? We can go home?" Sehun asks,

Chanyeol smiles, "It's over. We can all go home."

"But," Baekhyun interrupts, "everything's changed, what if our homes aren't there? What happens to us Chanyeol? I never took my OWLs, I can't get a job."

Luhan listens silently,

"It's be okay, we will talk to Shaklebolt, he will help us."

Junmyeon and Yixing appear with a crack. "Hey guys."

"Hey, so it's over, we can go home in peace." Kai says.

Luhan watched in silent. Realizing they have fought and feared for 8+ years and now that's its over they don't know what to do.

Families apparates out except for Junmyeon, Yixing, Sehun, Kai, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Draco, Harry, Hermione, Kingsley, and Ron.


Luhan turns to Kinsley, "yes sir?"

"Xiumin might want to stay half in wizarding and half in human world, but whatever he does, he'll want to stay with you, I'm giving access to the wizarding world."

"You are" Luhan chokes.

"Yes Xiumin would want that."

Kingsley walked away leaving Luhan with his thoughts.

Luhan's parents walk up to him. "Luhan?"

Luhan looks at his Mother and Father.

"Luhan, you want a life with him?"

"I do, but he wouldn't want this life, I mean I'll be king soon, he'll probably think he's forced to stay here because of the baby,"

Luhan looks down,

"Luhan, if you want to live with Minse- I mean Xiumin, then go, we'll be okay, just visit."

Luhan looks up shocked. "Are you serious?"

"Yes we will figure a things out with the kingdom, now go to him."

Luhan turns around to see Harry and Chen smiling, Harry motioned for Luhan, he walks over. Chen grabs Luhan and they apparates with a crack.

Landing in what looks like a hospital. Luhan looks around.

"This is the hospital for the wizards, come he's in the poison ward. Since he was bitten by a snake."

Luhan followed Chen and Harry. They walked into a room to see Xiumin being helped by Tao putting a shirt on.

Xiumin looks up, he smiles in shock and happiness to see Luhan.

"How are you here?"

"Kingsley gave me access to the Wizarding world, so we could live together at your house."

Xiumin smiles and kisses him.

"Can we go now?" Luhan says through the kiss.

Xiumin pulls away, "you want to go to my house now?"



Xiumin says, grabbing his hand and apparatung away after saying good bye to Chen Tao and Harry.

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