Enjoying the Moment and Minseok

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Here's the next chapter. I'm in home room so have time to update this in school.
Enjoying the Moment and Minseok
Me and Minseok eat our omelets in a comfortable silence. Once we were done I grab our plates and put them in the sink.

I start washing them. I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and a head on my shoulder. I felt light butterfly kisses on my neck.

"Why are you washing the dishes? I could've of done them."

"I know but your always cleaning and working for me. Why can't I do the same to you?" I ask.

"It feels weird."

After I sit the plates in the strainer I turn around, I look in Minseok's eyes. The golden brown that I love. I run my hands through his hair.



"Can you please turn your eyes to green like they were two weeks ago."

He looks me in the eyes, I saw his eyes turn from a golden brown to a bright forest green. My breathe was caught in my throat, I stared in his eyes.

"You like them?"

"Your beautiful," I lean in, and connected our lips.

We kissed until we couldn't breathe. I pulled away.

He smiles and starts putting our dishes away.

I couldn't help but watch Minseok's string arms reach to put a plate away.

I'm so happy he wore a sleeveless shirt. He turns around and gives me a smile. We stare at eachother.

We heard a knock. I watched as Minseok's eyes turn to the golden brown, he walks to the door. I stay back in the kitchen.

I hear slight muffling. I heard a laugh. I poke my head to see Minseok laughing with a girl. Slightly jealous, I watched as she hands him a bag. Minseok takes it and hugs her. She hugs back. They pull away and Minseok walks over to a draw and pulls out a few golden coins, he walks back over and hands it to her. She leaves after waving, closing the door behind her.

I walk out, "Who was that?" I ask. "Oh it was Astoria, she works at the wizardry potion ingredients. She was dropping off my order."

"You two seem close." I say trying to hide my jealously and trying to find the chemistry, but Minseok caught me.

He chuckles, "Luhan I'm not going to lie we were engaged"

I chock on air, "What?"

"It was arranged, for Purebloods they arrange marriages"

He says while putting the stuff in a cabinet. "When did you guys become engaged?"

He stops to think, "Hmm, I believe it was shortly after I was 16 because I was living with my uncle, and he arranged us to be together. After I turn 17 I found out I was a XX wizard so we had to break off the engagement, but we never had the time, because shortly after school ended we were too late, slavery started."

Then he stops and looks at me with a thinking face.

"So tech. We are still engaged, unless somehow we find her parents or my uncle. But I think the bond broke because she returned the rings I think."

I watched as he walks to his desk in the living room, he opens a drawer, and pulls out two silver rings. He shows them to me. I look at them closely. "They look so shiney and ancient."

He laughs, "Of course their bonding rings, see we don't get married we get bondings and then our bond between the newly weds gets stronger."

I listen to and start to understand they way they get 'married.'

"What if you get married to a human like me?"

"Well see if this was before slavery we would have a wedding in the human world but a wizard priest, to complete the bonding."

He puts the rings back in his drawer. I see a moving picture of two boys, they were in uniforms with a broom next to them. I knew Minseok was the one in green, and a boy in red. They were standing outside with people in the background.

I point to it, "Who's that?"

He picks up the picture, he smiles, "Oh that's Teddy, it was he got his first broomstick. It was his birthday, I got him a broomstick."

"Minseok? How did you feel about the slavery?"

"Honestly I knew it was coming sooner or later. Just I was hoping to finish school first."

"How did they catch you?"

"My friend was attacked so I used magic to heal him, and well we got caught, but before they could get to him, I attacked one of the royal guards."

I reach to grab his cheek, "I'm so sorry this happened to you."

He smiles, "I'm not, because I love you Luhan"

"I love you too."

I hug him and he hugs back. We pull away and I give him a small peck. He smiles.

"Luhan I got to go help prepare dinner."

I pout, "Do you have too?"

"I kinda do plus, I promised Chen I'll help him. Stop by after."

I nod. He gets changed into a slacks and a decent shirt. He puts his shoes on, and grabs his wand.

He kisses me on the mouth, I kiss back. I pull away. We grabs his wand and runs out.

I walk out to following him, I turn to go to my room, I change and walk down to the dining room.

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