Memories and A Dark Tattoo

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So 100 reads. So another update. Thanks everyone. <3
Memories and a Dark Tattoo
"My family was unique, my father had a one night stand with an Asian woman, and she left me at his door. After a year my father was Falsely accused and sent to prison for life. I lived with my Aunt, she took care of me until I was of age to be out on my own."

"Do you ever visit her or your father?"

"I can't"

"Why not" he looks up at me with a smile.

"it's complicated, I'll tell you some other time."

I smile back. "Luhan?"


"Thank you"

"For what?"

"For being there for me" I give him a small kiss on the lips.

He cups my cheek with one hand and pulls me down and we start kissing.

Some how it turned into a steamy make out session, he ended on my lap cupping my face with his hands as I grip his waist. I start kissing his neck, he lets out a low moan.

"Luhan!" I manage to pull his shirt off.

I continue to kiss his neck and collarbone.

"Luhan we can't, I'm not ready we are going to fast."

I pull away and nod. He was right we just got together.

"Sorry" he smiles, "it's okay I enjoyed it" I blush and look down.

I saw a glimpse of his left arm. It had a dark looking tattoo on it.

"Minseok I didn't know you had a tattoo." His eyes widen.

He stands up and grabs his shirt he turns around and pulls it on quickly. Trying to cover his arm.

"Minseok let me see" he shakes his head.

"No it's disgusting, I don't want you to see it"

"Please?" I hear him sigh.

He turns around and takes his shirt off. He sits down next to me. I grab his arm and examine the tattoo it had a skull under it a snake is twisted around it.

I lightly brushed it, he flinches back.

"It hurts?" I ask.

"No just it's disgusting!"

"Why" he looks me in the eyes and I could see he looks sad,

"I wish I could tell you, but I can't not now."

I nod my head. I pull him into a kiss. He kissed back.

There was a knock at the door. He pulls away and walks to the door. He opens it up, I see Baekhyun smiling.

"Hey Baekhyun come on in" they walk into room and Baekhyun sits on the chair and Minseok sits down next to me. I take notice to the very smiley and happy Baekhyun.

"What's up Baekhyun long time?"

"I have some news and I've been dying to tell you."

"What is it"

"Well," Baekhyun stops and blushes.

"I accepted Chanyeols proposal! We are mated, we are going to get married!"

Minseok's eyes pop out and he smiles. He hugs Baekhyun.

"Oh my gosh I knew you would say yes! Where is he?"

"He's telling Chen and Tao, did you know they are together?"

"Yeah I did."

I smile at how happy Minseok looks while he was talking to Baekhyun, I sorta felt out of place. They've known each other since birth probably.

"So when's the wedding?" I ask. Baekhyun smiles wider,

"it's actually a magical bonding, and we haven't decided yet."

"Well congratulations!"

"Thanks, I got to go tell Grandma!" He gets up.

"Tell her I say hi!"

"Okay bye Minseok bye Luhan" he practically runs out smiling.

"Minseok, how are they mates?"

"Chanyeol is a veela a very rare creature, they are very beautiful and seductive, they are precious creatures, but don't anger them. Well all veelas have mates and Baekhyun is his mate. They've been dating for a while."

"What if he didn't find his mate."

"He'll die of depression."

I process this information.

So because of slavery some veelas can't find their mates and they die, so Chen was right there aren't just wizards and witches.
Veela- The Veela are a race of semi-human, semi-magical humanoids reminiscent of the Sirens of Greek mythology. Little is known about their biology; they appear to be young, beautiful humans. Their looks and especially their dance is magically seductive to almost all male beings, which causes them to perform strange actions in order to get nearer to them. Veela are thought to have their own type of magic which does not require a wand. When Veela are angry, however, they transform into something more like Harpies - their faces turn into cruel-beaked bird heads while long scaly wings burst from their shoulders, and they can launch balls of fire from their hands. Veela seem to be quite an irascible race.
Information from Harry Potter website.

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