Name to the Face that Explains

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Thanks to all who have been reading. I hope you enjoy it. I'm slightly irritated because when I made this chapters cover I put The Name instead of Name, and it took forever to get it like it is now, so having that up there is omg. And your probably like "Geez Paula just and the The pshh no big deal" I know I can but to me it doesn't sound right. :/ yeah I'll shut up and rant silently by myself, lol I'm such a weirdo.
Enjoy and have a nice night or day or evening.
Name to the Face that Explains
Chen started to speak,
"Wizards and Witches population is dropping."

"Why?" Luhan asked,

He thought, there were alot of magical beings.

Chen looks at him.

"There are not just Wizard and Witches and Metamorphagi, there are many different kinds of creatures out there."

"Many are dying," he paused,

"from slavery, so our laws have been changed, wizards between 20-25 are to be wed and pregnant if not prison."

"There's a prison for magical beings" Luhan asked in disbelief.

"Yes" Chen said nodding. He took a deep breath.

"I decided I want to marry my best friend because I'm 23 not much time, but we can't get married."

Luhan was confused, "Why? Does she not like you or?"

"It's not a witch"

Luhan's eyes widen at this, "It's a male?" then he realized something, "How can you get pregnant?"

"Male magical beings as you call us, are different from male muggles, that's what we call you." he paused for a bit and then continued,

"There are XY and XX wizards XY can fertile men and women. XX are like women accept they are male and they have a penis"
Luhan blushed, Chen chuckled at how innocent he thought he was.

"We are both XX, but it's not only that. He's a pureblood, which means he has an all magic pure blood line no humans, no half breed, nothing! And I'm a muggle born, I have no magic in my blood line.

"What's a muggle born?"

"It's where me the wizard, was born with magical powers to non magical parents. Both of my parents are human. And in the world of magic Purebloods try to keep their line pure, I would destroy the line if we married and had a baby. It's forbidden."

"Who is this person?" Luhan asked.

Chen slid over the file. He picked it up slowly, it said 'confidential' on it. "It's against the law to give you files from a wizard with consent, but I will allow it because I'm doing the same."

He opened it up. He gasped internally at what he saw. There was a picture of the man he's been thinking about. The same man that makes his heart skip a beat. He looked at the amazing moving picture under it, it had information about him.

Chen cleared his throat, Luhan looked up. "I got to go give these files to Baekhyun he's the file keeper." Luhan nodded, he grabbed the files and ran to his room. He sat on his bed, while biting into his apple he reads the file.

'Name: Kim Minseok
Species: XY Wizard and Metamorphagus'

Luhan gasped but kept reading,

'DOB: Unknown
Birthplace: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Hair: Varies
Eye Color: Varies
SkinColor: Varies
Height: Varies
Weight: Varies
Wand type: Hawthorne 10'
Is a Parselmouth. Pureblood. Slave to the Lu's. Parents are not present, no family members. No other magical traits.'

Luhan flipped the page to see a moving picture of Minseok looking up to the camera and staring, then turning his head.

No emotion.

He closed the file and sat it in his dresser.

So his name is Kim Minseok. I like it.

Luhan heard a knock at the door. "Come in"

The door opens, Baekhyun walks in, he bows. "Dinner is ready." Luhan grabs the files and walks up to him.

"Here put these away." Baek looked down at the files, he opened it and saw the name, he looked up.

"Where dis you get Minseok's file? I thought he got rid of it."


"He is a very private wizard." Baekhyun said his voice lowering just abit.

Noticing the way the boy spoke to him, Luhan looked at him.


"I can't say, unbreakable vow, I will die if I tell you." He hissed.

Luhan was a bit taken aback by the tone. Baekhyun bowed and walked away. Luhan walked down the hall. He stopped when he saw Minseok cleaning a vase by himself. Luhan felt his heart race at the look of him. He walked up to him.


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