In Total Bliss

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Another update guys. Hope you like. A bit short but I think you'll like.
In totally bliss

I wake up in total bliss, I look over at Minseok. He was sleeping so soundly. Peacefully. Smiling to myself, content with last night's activity. We finally made love and I couldn't be happier.

"I love you."

I say to Minseok's sleeping form.

I sit up and search for my boxers. Spotting them across the room. I blush before I walk over and grab them. I slid them on and walked to the kitchen.

I grab a glass of water. I walk back into the room. I look around Minseok's room. It was clean accept for the mess of clothes from last night.

I heard a small groan. I look over to see Minseok stretching.

"Hey there" I say.


"How you feeling?"

"Sore." I smile.

He tries to sit up, but fails when he groans and touch his lower back before laying back down.

"Luhan come back to bed."

"Why don't you work today?"


I climb in and Minseok cuddles up to me.

"Tomorrow I have to practice for the ceremony."

"Mm I know, I'll be watching. When I prepare the room."

I smile down at him.

"I know."

We sit for awhile, Minseok sits up and starts putting clothes on. He stretches before walking to the kitchen. I follow him to the kitchen.



"I love you"

"I love you too, a lot"

We spent the day talking and enjoying eachothers company.

Unknown XiuhanWhere stories live. Discover now